go-resty / resty

Simple HTTP and REST client library for Go

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Call to http.DetectContentType has trailing NUL bytes in buffer

internetisalie opened this issue · comments

In writeMultipartFormFile, the call to http.DetectContentType is passed a buffer with potentially trailing 0 bytes. As a result, text/plain is never detected in such cases.

cbuf should be trimmed to size to ensure text/plain is property detected:

// Auto detect actual multipart content type
cbuf := make([]byte, 512)
size, err := r.Read(cbuf)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
  return err

partWriter, err := w.CreatePart(createMultipartHeader(fieldName, fileName, http.DetectContentType(cbuf[:size])))
if err != nil {
  return err