go-resty / resty

Simple HTTP and REST client library for Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Result value has been set and parsed correctly and the request returns successfully, the correct address cannot be recognized

gwyCl opened this issue · comments

   type Response struct {
Code int         `json:"code"`
Msg  string      `json:"msg"`
Data interface{} `json:"data"`
    client := resty.New().SetDebug(true)
resp, err := client.R().
	SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
	SetHeader("Clustername", clusterName).
		"serviceName": j.Uk,
		"deployment":  j.Env,
if err != nil {
	err = fmt.Errorf("getDockerfile err %s  url %s", err, resp.String())
response, ok := resp.Result().(*Response)
if !ok {
	err = fmt.Errorf("parse Response  err %s resp %s", err, resp.String())
	return  err
  Unable to obtain the correct address during the return, resulting in an error in the address parsing step
  and request returns
STATUS       : 200 OK
PROTO        : HTTP/1.1
RECEIVED AT  : 2023-10-31T18:43:16.009538+08:00
TIME DURATION: 334.308877ms
HEADERS      :
        Connection: keep-alive
        Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
        Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 10:43:16 GMT
        Server: hertz
        Vary: Accept-Encoding
BODY     :

Okay, I understand the reason now. The response type is text/plain. What should I do to handle this? Could you give me some suggestions?

resp, err := client.R().
	SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
	SetHeader("Clustername", clusterName).
		"serviceName": j.Uk,
		"deployment":  j.Env,
	}).Post(fmt.Sprintf(config.SearchK8sTappUrl, clusterName))
if err != nil {
	err = fmt.Errorf("getDockerfile err %s  resp %s", err, resp.String())
var response Response
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp.String()), &response)
if err != nil {
	err = fmt.Errorf("json unmarshal err %s  resp %s", err, resp.String())