go-openapi / spec

openapi specification object model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

spec OrderSchemaItems.Less panic on reflect.ValueOf(ii).Int()

limpo1989 opened this issue · comments


Lines 44 to 66 in 6ca6ff8

func (items OrderSchemaItems) Less(i, j int) (ret bool) {
ii, oki := items[i].Extensions.GetString("x-order")
ij, okj := items[j].Extensions.GetString("x-order")
if oki {
if okj {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
defer func() {
if err = recover(); err != nil {
ret = items[i].Name < items[j].Name
ret = reflect.ValueOf(ii).String() < reflect.ValueOf(ij).String()
return reflect.ValueOf(ii).Int() < reflect.ValueOf(ij).Int()
return true
} else if okj {
return false
return items[i].Name < items[j].Name

Line 59: ii ij is string Value

reflect.ValueOf(ii).Int() panic: reflect: call of Int on string Value