go-masonry / tutorial

step-by-step tutorial on how to build gRPC server with mortar

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LoggerWriterConsole is only defined in mortar@v0.1.1

ttyerl opened this issue · comments

Hello, I'm at step 04-instrumentation. The constant LoggerWriterConsole is no longer defined in latest mortar@v1.0.12.

I did a quick look at my GOROOT, locally I have mortar@v0.1.1, mortar@v0.2.1, mortar@v1.0.1 and mortar@v1.0.12.

I found this constant only in mortar@v0.1.1 and substituted "mortar.logger.console" into app/mortar/logger.go:zeroLogBuilder to get things going.