go-gota / gota

Gota: DataFrames and data wrangling in Go (Golang)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NA is still converted to NaN even in a string column

indeedhat opened this issue · comments


It doesn't seem to matter what the column type is in the data frame NA will always get converted to NaN.

Expected Behavior

NA would only be converted to NaN in int and float columns

Actual Behaviour

NA is converted to NaN regardless of the type


Take this modified version of some data from the README

package main

import (


const ExampleData = `
"United States",US,2012-02-01,50,112.1,01234
"United States",US,2012-02-01,32,321.31,54320
"United Kingdom",GB,2012-02-01,17,18.2,12345
"United States",NA,2012-02-01,32,321.31,54320
"United States","NA",2012-02-01,17,321.31,54320
"United Kingdom",GB,2012-02-01,NA,18.2,12345
"United States",NA,2012-02-01,32,321.31,54320

func main() {
    frame := dataframe.ReadCSV(
            "Age": series.String,


which produces the following output

[8x6] DataFrame

    Country        Region   Date       Age      Amount     Id
 0: United States  US       2012-02-01 50       112.100000 1234
 1: United States  US       2012-02-01 32       321.310000 54320
 2: United Kingdom GB       2012-02-01 17       18.200000  12345
 3: United States  NaN      2012-02-01 32       321.310000 54320
 4: United States  NaN      2012-02-01 17       321.310000 54320
 5: United Kingdom GB       2012-02-01 NaN      18.200000  12345
 6: United States  NaN      2012-02-01 32       321.310000 54320
 7: Spain          EU       2012-02-01 66       555.420000 241
    <string>       <string> <string>   <string> <float>    <int>

In both colums:

  • Region with an implicit string type
  • Age where i have explicitly set the type to string

The string value NA is converted

This problem is due to the ReadCSV function converting the "NA" string to "NaN" before we assign a data type to the column, it should be tagged as a bug.

I'm trying to make a patch for this issue.

Much appreciated, i look forward to this being merged :)