go-auth0 / auth0

ARCHIVED Go SDK for the Auth0 platform. This project is now being maintained at: https://github.com/auth0/go-auth0

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Connection Metadata

loopingrage opened this issue · comments

Hey there. I'm trying to create a Connection with metadata but for the life of me can't figure out why the Connection struct is expecting an interface pointer. Why not a map[string]interface{} like in UserMetadata?

Can you provide an example of how the interface pointer is intended to be used?

Hi @loopingrage, if I recall correctly, at the time this code was written the api docs were not particularly descriptive of this field. Therefore the safest thing I could use was the empty interface{} which means you can use any type you want.

The fact that it's a pointer to an empty interface is most probably a mistake. As the docs have since been updated we could be more specific and use a map[string]interface{} as we do with UserMetadata.

Are you up for submitting a PR?


Just merged in #160 that addresses this.