gnuradio / gr-inspector

Signal Analysis Toolbox for GNU Radio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Package has no install method: qwtplot3d

ChrisFearn opened this issue · comments

I am unable to install gr-inspector via Pybombs on Ubuntu 18.04.1.

I receive the following error: Package has no install method: qwtplot3d

I am unable to find how to install this... qwtplot3d?

Help please

The official website and documentation, also how to install, can be found here

Also the whole PyBombs output would be helpful.

Mr Mueller,

Thanks for getting back to me. I am new to Pybombs and all this... I tried looking at the site but couldn't find how to install. Google gave me lots of different avenues but none worked

The whole output..

chris@fearn:~$ pybombs install gr-inspector
[INFO] Prefix Python version is: 2.7.15
[INFO] PyBOMBS Version 2.3.4a0
[INFO] Phase 1: Creating install tree and installing binary packages:
[ERROR] Package has no install method: qwtplot3d

I really want to use your package for my Uni project

According to Ubuntu 18 does not have a package for qwtplot3d-qt4 anymore.

You need to downgrade to an older OS (Ubuntu 14 or 16 should do) or manually install qwtplot3d (and presumably many other dependencies) by hand.

To give some context: gr-inspector is an over 2 year old project which is not actively developed anymore (I shifted professionally and am not related to that topics any more, unfortunately). Ubuntu has a principle of fixed software versions in it's repos, meaning you are only able to install specific packages and versions that are provided by the apt-get package manager. Somewhen between when gr-inspector was developed and now, the Ubuntu repo maintainers decided to abandon the qwtplot3d-qt4 package. So either you downgrade to an older OS (Ubuntu 14 or 16) or go down the road and install all dependencies by hand (Google is your friend).

Closing since not a gr-inspector issue