gndm / functions-callbacks-timing

Code along and labs on JS functions, callbacks and timing funtions

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JS Functions, Callbacks and Timing Functions

Learning Objectives

  • Use functions that manipulate global variables
  • Use functions that accept parameters and return values
  • Assign an anonymous function to a variable
  • Pass a callback function to a higher order function as a parameter and invoke it
  • Pass a callback function to a timing function and manipulate global variables

Defining a Named Function

A function is like a container of code, you can put your code inside of it and save it for later when you need to use it. Functions are useful for storing code that you might need to use over and over in different places, allowing you to write DRY code.

To declare a named function, you start with the function keyword followed by the name you want to invoke it with later to run the code inside.

// define a function named 'sayHello' that introduces itself with a console log
function sayHello() {
  // code inside here doesn't run until sayHello() is invoked
  console.log("hi, I'm a function")

The parenthesis () after the name are always needed, even if they are empty, and all the code between the curly bois { } will run when the function is invoked.

The code inside the function won't run until the function is invoked with the function's name followed by parenthesis:

// invoke the function sayHello
sayHello() // logs hi, I'm a function

Global and Local Scope

Variables declared outside of a function are in the global scope -- everyone has access to them. Variables declared with let inside functions are in the local scope of that function -- nobody has access to them outside of the function

// declare a variable in the global scope and assign it a string value
let globalVariable = "Everyone can access me, I'm a variable in the global scope!"

// declare a function named 'sharingIsCaring' that prints globalVariable
function sharingIsCaring() {
  console.log(`sharingIsCaring() logs: ${globalVariable}`)

  // declare a function named 'workingTogether' that prints globalVariable
function workingTogether() {
  console.log(`workingTogether() logs: ${globalVariable}`)


Trying to access a variable that has been declared in a local scope from some where else will throw an error:

// declare a function named 'selfish'
function selfish() {
  // declare a locally scoped variable named 'mineAllMine'
  let mineAllMine = "nobody else can get me"

console.log(mineAllMine) // will throw an error

Supplying Function Parameters

Functions can be given parameters when the are invoked, and they will use the parameters when they run their code. NOTE function parameters are often called function arguments as well. The parameters are named like variables when the function is declared.

// declare a function that accepts two arguments that are numbers, adds them, and logs the sum
function addTwoNumbers(number1, number2) {
  // add the arguments together in a local variable
  let sum = number1 + number2
  console.log(`${number1} plus ${number2} is ${sum}`)

// invoke the functions
addTwoNumbers(5, 10) // 15
addTwoNumbers(3, 3) // 6

// variables can be passed to function arguments to!!
let nine = 9
let seven = 7

addTwoNumbers(nine, seven)

Returning Values From Functions

If parameters are the entrance to a function, then its return is the exit. A function's return will stop the code inside, and can give a value back.

// declare a function that accepts two arguments that are numbers, adds them, and returns the sum
function addTwoAndReturn(number1, number2) {
  // log the values passed as parameters
  console.log(`thanks for ${number1} and ${number2}!`)
  // add the arguments together
  let sum = number1 + number2
  // return the sum once the parameters have been added together
  return sum
  console.log("I will never run! Help I'm trapped!") // will not run because it is after the return

When a function returns something, you can assign it to a variable:

let firstAdd = addTwoAndReturn(3, 7) // set firstAdd to 10
let secondAdd = addTwoAndReturn(12, 8) // set secondAdd to 20

console.log(`firstAdd is: ${firstAdd} and secondAdd is ${secondAdd}`)

check out the exercises in ./js/functions-lab.js

Anonymous Functions

In javascript, functions are called first class. That means they are just like any other datatype, they can:

  • be stored them in variable
  • passed as arguments to other functions
  • created within functions
  • returned from functions

Instead of creating a named function, lets make an anonymous function and assign it to a constant:

// declare a global constant named 'anon' and assign it a value of an anonymous function
const anon = function() {
  console.log("I prefer the privacy of anonymity")

Arrow functions are another type of anonymous function, and are written with a fat arrow => instead on the keyword function:

// declare a global constant named 'arrow' and assign it a value of an anonymous arrow function
const arrow = () => {
  console.log("I'm an arrow function 🏹")

Parameters are passed to arrow functions between the parentheses like a named function:

// declare a global constant named 'arrowAdd' and assign it a value of an arrow function that accepts
// two numbers as parameters and returns their sum
const arrowAdd = (number1, number2) => {
  return number1 + number2

// invoke arrowAdd and assign the return value to a variable
let arrowSum = arrowAdd(10, 20)

Callback Functions

Callback functions are passed to another function's parameters. Make sure not to use the () when passing the callback, overwise javascript will invoke it right away! A function that receives a callback as on of its parameters is called a higher order function.`

// will call a function passed to it
const higherOrder = (func) => {

const callback = () => {
  console.log("callback has been invoked!")


what happens if you invoke callback() when you pass it to higher order?


callbacks can interact with the parameters they are pass along with!

// take two numbers and a function, return the result of the function's operation on the numbers
const doCalculation = (num1, num2, func) => {
  return func(num1, num2)

let funception = doCalculation(50, 100, arrowAdd) // add 50 and 100 together with arrowAdd

console.log(funception) // 150

callbacks can also be declared inline straight into the function parameters when you are invoking the higher order function:

let funceptionInline = doCalculation(50, 100, (number1, number2) => {
  return number1 - number2


Timing Functions

Javascript has two important built-in functions used for timing of events: setInteraval() and setTimeout(). Both accept a callback function and an how long to wait (in milliseconds) before invoking the callback. setInterval() invokes the callback over and over, and setTimeout() invokes it just once.

const justOnce = () => {
  console.log('I will only print once!')

const tick = () => {

setTimeout(justOnce, 2500) // invoke justOnce after 2 and a half seconds
setInterval(tick, 1000) // invoke tick every one second

If setInteraval() or setTimeout() are set to a global variable, they can be stopped with clearInterval() and clearTimeout() respectively:

let clock = setInterval(tick, 1000) // invoke tick every one second

const stopClock = () => {
  console.log('stop the clock!')

setTimeout(stopClock, 5000) // clear the clock interval in 5 seconds

check out the exercises in ./js/callbacks-lab.js


Code along and labs on JS functions, callbacks and timing funtions


Language:JavaScript 93.3%Language:HTML 6.7%