gnames / gnfinder

GNfinder finds scientific names in UTF8 texts, PDF files, MS Word/Excel documents, URLs etc.

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problem with some capitalized epiteths

abubelinha opened this issue · comments

My source text contains some botanical names where the epithets are capitalized when they refer to people's or places' names.
i.e. "Linaria Haenseleri Bss. et Reut." or "Euonymus Eeuropaeus L."

Because of that, gnfinder is detecting these names as genus: "Linaria", "Euonymus"
Is there any way to improve this behaviour so it tries to lowercase the word after genus, just in case it matches some known species? (and if not, then fall back to genus)

yes, capitalized epithets are not supported. I tried to take them into account and they generated too many false positives

This issue might be fixed in some dinstant future when we are able to perform a second run to ehnance found generic names and detect capitalized sp. epithets.