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impl `TryFrom<Value>` for common `Option<T>` types

gitmalong opened this issue · comments

This works:

let fee: Decimal = fee.try_into().unwrap();

this doesn't

let fee: Option<Decimal> = fee.try_into().unwrap();
the trait bound `std::option::Option<rust_decimal::Decimal>: std::convert::From<gluesql_core::data::Value>` is not satisfied


let fee: Option<Decimal> = match !fee.is_null() {
      true => Some(Decimal::try_from(fee).unwrap()),
      false => None,

The current implementation of try_from in Value looks like this

  1. Returns ImpossibleCast error for Null variant
  2. returns an ImpossibleCast error if the data cannot be automatically cast (dynamic type)

If your definition is,

  1. If NULL, return Option::None.
  2. returns a type of T if the data can be cast.

Currently, you can use it as follows
Use try_from after checking Value::is_null separately.