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Python m3u8 Parser for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Transmissions

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Python m3u8 parser.


Loading a playlist

To load a playlist into an object from uri, file path or directly from string, use the load/loads functions:

Dumping a playlist

To dump a playlist from an object to the console or a file, use the dump/dumps functions:

Supported tags

Encryption keys

The segments may or may not be encrypted. The keys attribute list will be a list with all the different keys as described with #EXT-X-KEY:

Each key has the next properties:

If no #EXT-X-KEY is found, the keys list will have a unique element None. Multiple keys are supported.

If unencrypted and encrypted segments are mixed in the M3U8 file, then the list will contain a None element, with one or more keys afterwards.

To traverse the list of keys available:

Getting segments encrypted with one key

There are cases where listing segments for a given key is important. It's possible to retrieve the list of segments encrypted with one key via by_key method in the segments list.

Example of getting the segments with no encryption:

With this method, is now possible also to change the key from some of the segments programmatically:

Variant playlists (variable bitrates)

A playlist can have a list to other playlist files, this is used to represent multiple bitrates videos, and it's called variant streams. See an example here.

the playlist object used in the for loop above has a few attributes:

  • uri: the url to the stream
  • stream_info: a StreamInfo object (actually a namedtuple) with all the attributes available to #EXT-X-STREAM-INF
  • media: a list of related Media objects with all the attributes available to #EXT-X-MEDIA
  • playlist_type: the type of the playlist, which can be one of VOD (video on demand) or EVENT

NOTE: the following attributes are not implemented yet, follow issue 4 for updates

  • alternative_audios: its an empty list, unless it's a playlist with Alternative audio, in this case it's a list with Media objects with all the attributes available to #EXT-X-MEDIA
  • alternative_videos: same as alternative_audios

A variant playlist can also have links to I-frame playlists, which are used to specify where the I-frames are in a video. See Apple's documentation on this for more information. These I-frame playlists can be accessed in a similar way to regular playlists.

The iframe_playlist object used in the for loop above has a few attributes:

  • uri: the url to the I-frame playlist
  • base_uri: the base uri of the variant playlist (if given)
  • iframe_stream_info: a StreamInfo object (same as a regular playlist)

Custom tags

Quoting the documentation:

Lines that start with the character '#' are either comments or tags.
Tags begin with #EXT.  They are case-sensitive.  All other lines that
begin with '#' are comments and SHOULD be ignored.

This library ignores all the non-standard tags by default. If you want them to be collected while loading the file content, you need to pass a function to the load/loads functions, following the example below:

Also you are able to override parsing of existing standard tags. To achieve this your custom_tags_parser function have to return boolean True - it will mean that you fully implement parsing of current line therefore 'main parser' can go to next line.

import re
import m3u8
from m3u8 import protocol
from m3u8.parser import save_segment_custom_value

def parse_iptv_attributes(line, lineno, data, state):
    # Customize parsing #EXTINF
    if line.startswith(protocol.extinf):
        title = ''
        chunks = line.replace(protocol.extinf + ':', '').split(',', 1)
        if len(chunks) == 2:
            duration_and_props, title = chunks
        elif len(chunks) == 1:
            duration_and_props = chunks[0]

        additional_props = {}
        chunks = duration_and_props.strip().split(' ', 1)
        if len(chunks) == 2:
            duration, raw_props = chunks
            matched_props = re.finditer(r'([\w\-]+)="([^"]*)"', raw_props)
            for match in matched_props:
                additional_props[] =
            duration = duration_and_props

        if 'segment' not in state:
            state['segment'] = {}
        state['segment']['duration'] = float(duration)
        state['segment']['title'] = title

        # Helper function for saving custom values
        save_segment_custom_value(state, 'extinf_props', additional_props)

        # Tell 'main parser' that we expect an URL on next lines
        state['expect_segment'] = True

        # Tell 'main parser' that it can go to next line, we've parsed current fully.
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #EXTINF:-1 timeshift="0" catchup-days="7" catchup-type="flussonic" tvg-id="channel1" group-title="Group1",Channel1

    parsed = m3u8.loads(PLAYLIST, custom_tags_parser=parse_iptv_attributes)

    first_segment_props = parsed.segments[0].custom_parser_values['extinf_props']
    print(first_segment_props['tvg-id'])  # 'channel1'
    print(first_segment_props['group-title'])  # 'Group1'
    print(first_segment_props['catchup-type'])  # 'flussonic'

Helper functions get_segment_custom_value() and save_segment_custom_value() are intended for getting/storing your parsed values per segment into Segment class. After that all custom values will be accessible via property custom_parser_values of Segment instance.

Using different HTTP clients

If you don't want to use urllib to download playlists, having more control on how objects are fetched over the internet, you can use your own client. requests is a well known Python HTTP library and it can be used with `m3u8`:

The advantage of using a custom HTTP client is to refine SSL verification, proxies, performance, flexibility, etc.

Playlists behind proxies

In case you need to use a proxy but can't use a system wide proxy (HTTP/HTTPS proxy environment variables), you can pass your HTTP/HTTPS proxies as a dict to the load function.

It works with the default client only. Custom HTTP clients must implement this feature.

Running Tests


All contributions are welcome, but we will merge a pull request if, and only if, it

  • has tests
  • follows the code conventions

If you plan to implement a new feature or something that will take more than a few minutes, please open an issue to make sure we don't work on the same thing.


Python m3u8 Parser for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Transmissions



Language:Python 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%