glatzert / ACME-Server-ADCS

ACME (RFC 8555) Server compatible implementation, connecting to Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool badCSR SAN Invalid Error

tjmullicani opened this issue · comments

I was testing with and noticed there is an error caused by acmesh-official/, acmesh-official/

Due to adding the extendedKeyUsage extension to the automatically generated CSR, the CsrValidator.cs SubjectAlternateNamesAreValid function returns false since x509Ext.ObjectId.Name is now equal to XCN_OID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE first.


Removing extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth,clientAuth from the script (part that generates the CSR file) fixes the issue. Not sure if this needs to be addressed here or with

[Thu 06 Apr 2023 04:50:20 AM UTC] Sign error, wrong status
[Thu 06 Apr 2023 04:50:20 AM UTC] {"status":"invalid","identifiers":[{"type":"dns","value":"test.example.local"}],"error":{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badCSR","detail":"SAN Invalid."},"authorizations":["https://caissueadcs.example.local/order/RqaBOEM7pUG0wnxYNc_INg/auth/Cpi4l4UtRkCiiJaoTd5nFA"],"finalize":"https://acme.example.local/order/RqaBOEM7pUG0wnxYNc_INg/finalize"}

I'll fix it in the server.
It's a oversight of me to not allow other extensions besides SAN.

Most likely fixed in V1.0.3 (I did not run tests yet)

@glatzert V1.0.3 fixed the issue