glasser / apollo-server-race-condition

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repo can be used to reproduce the conditions that appear to sometimes trigger the unhandled promise rejection described in this issue:


To Run

  1. Run npm install
  2. Run npm run start
  3. Run ./

You should see the following error logged by orphanedRequestPlugin.js in your server logs:

  msg: 'willResolveField called after willSendResponse',
  stack: 'Error\n' +

What's the Problem?

The fact that willResolveField() is called after willSendResponse() isn't necessarily a problem. It's that when this happens in Apollo's ApolloServerPluginUsageReporting plugin, the traceTreeBuilder code below throws an error when willResolveField() is called after the response has already been sent:

  public willResolveField(info: GraphQLResolveInfo): () => void {
  if (this.stopped) {
    throw internalError('willResolveField called after stopTiming!');

It's unclear why the code above results in an unhandled promise rejection in some scenarios and not others.



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