glacambre / firenvim

Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others.

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Neovim plugin version (0.2.15) and browser addon version (0.2.16) do not match.

benlieb opened this issue · comments

Using Chrome. I removed and reinstalled firenvim, upgraded nvim via brew, and updated plugins in nvim. No change. Help?

Have you tried running your plugin manager's update command from a firenvim instance?


I have the same problem (on macos, using firefox). Updating all plugins (I'm using Vim-Plug) doesn't solve the problem.
And since I can't start firenvim (the error is apparently blocking it), I see no way to run it from a firenvim instance.

I basically have stopped trying. I've loved this extension, but it breaks all the time.

And since I can't start firenvim (the error is apparently blocking it)

Huh, that's super odd. I guess this warning must be masking a true error, this is quite unfortunate. What happens if you run echo 'abcde{}' | ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/firenvim/firenvim ?


What happens if you run echo 'abcde{}' | ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/firenvim/firenvim ?
For me, echo 'abcde{}' | .local/share/firenvim/firenvim executes fine and gives no output.

For me, echo 'abcde{}' | .local/share/firenvim/firenvim executes fine and gives no output.

It should be giving you some output, something that looks like o{"messages": [], "version": "0.2.15", "settings": {"localSettings": {}}}. Could you upload the contents of .local/share/firenvim/firenvim here?

echo 'abcde{}' | ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/firenvim/firenvim c{"messages": [], "version": "0.2.15", "settings": {"localSettings": {".*": {"takeover": "never"}}}}%

@benlieb What plugin manager do you use?

@OsKaR31415 Could you answer my question in a new issue? It'll probably make both our lives easier :)

@benlieb I fixed a problem on master a few minutes ago, could you upgrade your firenvim plugin for neovim, run firenvim#install() again and then let me know if your problem is fixed?