glacambre / firenvim

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Uninstallation only removes binary in WSL but not files and registry keys on Windows host

xudyang1 opened this issue · comments

  • OS Version: Windwos 10 22H2
  • Browser Version: 120.0.6099.225
  • Browser Addon Version: 0.2.15
  • Neovim Plugin Version: 0.2.15

What I tried to do

Run :lua vim.fn["firenvim#uninstall"]() in neovim on WSL2

What happened

Only stdpath('data')/firenvim/firenvim or $HOME/.local/share/firenvim/firenvim binary in WSL2 gets removed. Files under %LOCALAPPDATA%/firenvim/ and registry keys on Windows host are not removed.

Closed by #1581