glacambre / firenvim

Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool is not a function (NIRVANA HQ)

raphael-ratepay opened this issue · comments

  • OS Version: MacOS 14.0 (23A344)
  • Browser Version: Arc 1.15.2
  • Browser Addon Version: 0.2.15
  • Neovim Plugin Version: master (#138424d)

What I tried to do

Start firenvim in NirvanaHQ ToDos

What happened

The text area flickers, but nothing happens.
The developer tools show the following error

chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:6714 error: is not a function
    at wrappedsendmessagecallback (chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:1482:18)
(anonymous) @ chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:6714
promise.then (async)
(anonymous) @ chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:6548
(anonymous) @ chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:6720
(anonymous) @ chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:6722
chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:1482 uncaught (in promise) error: is not a function
    at wrappedsendmessagecallback (chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:1482:18)
wrappedsendmessagecallback @ chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:1482
chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:4873 unhandled page request: {args: array(1), funcname: array(1)}
(anonymous) @ chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:4873
onmessage @ chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/index.js:1410

Works fine on other pages (for example here)

Any update or insight on this?

Nope. I don't have access to MacOS nor to the Arc browser, so I have not tried to reproduce it. Moreover I will likely have to rewrite all of Firenvim due to #1193 , so I'm not terribly motivated to investigate bugs for now :)