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Firenvim is not working on Edge Canary

Marin-Kitagawa opened this issue · comments

  • OS Version: Windows 11 (22H2)
  • Browser Version: Version 118.0.2069.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit)
  • Browser Addon Version: 0.2.15

What I tried to do

I tried to use Firenvim in Edge Canary

What happened

It throws an error saying that Neovim is not responding. But I could use Firenvim in Edge (stable).

Hi, thanks for opening this issue. Edge canary currently isn't supported, but it shouldn't be too hard to add to Firenvim. I'll look into it.

It is working now. I did these steps

  1. Copied firenvim-edge.json to firenvim-edge-sxs.json
  2. In the registry, I updated the NativeMessagingHosts for Edge SxS and pointed the value to $env:localappdata\firenvim\firenvim-edge-sxs.json
  3. Content of the above file wasn't changed
  4. firenvim.bat file was not modified

All the above steps are done after calling both :call firenvim#install(x) where $x\in \set{0,1}$.

I use Neovim with Astronvim. Below is my configuration for firenvim as in user/init.lua

return {
  plugins = {

      -- Lazy load firenvim
      -- Explanation:
      lazy = false,
      build = function()

Note: lazy = not vim.g.started_by_firenvim didn't work for me. So, I kept lazy = false
Now, it is working.

Wow, thank you for taking the time to figure out how to get Firenvim working on Edge Canary and for sharing them with me, very appreciated :). I'll try to find the time to incorporate your changes in the coming days.