glacambre / firenvim

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Noice giving warnings on startup

shauryagoel opened this issue · comments

  • OS Version: Arch Linux
  • Browser Version: google-chrome 113.0.5672.63-1
  • Browser Addon Version: 0.2.14
  • Neovim Plugin Version: plugin from commit- ee4ef31

What I tried to do

As soon as firenvim starts on a text box

What happened

I get the following warning which takes a lot of screen space and takes few seconds to go away.

Any way I can disable this warning at startup while using firenvim. Preferably some configuration inside the firenvim plugin config.

Try following the instructions here :)

I am adding the following config and I am still getting the same warning.

  config = function()
    vim.g.firenvim_config = {
      localSettings = {
        [".*"] = {
          -- takeover = "never",
          cmdline = "firenvim",

Yes, as described in the documentation you should use cmdline = "none".

cmdline = "none" is also not working

Mh, I can see why in the code, thanks for telling me. Out of curiosity, could you also try cmdline = "neovim" and let me know what the result it?

Setting to cmdline = "neovim" has solved the issue for me. I am not getting those noice warnings now. Thank you for the help.

Great, thanks for letting me know. This is rather confusing when considering #1442 , where it was found that noice re-enabled the external command line, but if it works as is I'll take the win :)

I was also getting this same error and one for ext_messages. Setting both cmdline and messages to "neovim" fixed the issue.