gklijs / schema_registry_converter

A crate to convert bytes to something more useable and the other way around in a way Compatible with the Confluent Schema Registry. Supporting Avro, Protobuf, Json schema, and both async and blocking.

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Support Fetching Protobuf Field Names

jeffutter opened this issue · comments

I was wondering if there is any way to get the field names when decoding a protobuf. It seems that protofish only returns a Value object with a Message which has field numbers and values.

It seems like the Message may also have a MessageRef which (with a protofish context) can be converted to a MessageInfo on which you could message_info.get_field(number).name to get the field name.

That seems to be the supported way to get field names from protofish but requires the protofish context which schema_registry_converter doesn't expose.

Is there some way to get at that context, or a better way to get field names out of a protobuf?

I'm not sure using the ProtoRawDecoder, which returns this as result would be viable? I rather keep the API small. Althrough the context is already there, so an additional deserialize_with_context could be added easily.

Thanks for the quick reply!

I took a look at what ProtoRawDecoder gives me, as far as I can see that won't be useable (I might be missing something). It gives me the bytes and the schema as a string. With those two things I will still need to parse out the bytes - so that leads me back to Protofish. However, I think I'll only have the single Schema provided as a string, not the entire context including the needed referenced schemas.

Let me know if I'm missing something there - right now this is only for an exploratory project so I'm OK with using some kind of janky workaround for the timebeing if there is one.

Not really a workaround for now. There are issues with adding more info with other serializers as well. So I can pick this up as one of those.

Fixed and released as 3.1.0

👏 Thanks @gklijs I think that'll do exactly what I need