gjtorikian / html-proofer

Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate.

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Test suite depends on vcr, which is not free software

Apteryks opened this issue · comments


The test suite depends on vcr, which due to its Hippocratic license, is not considered free and cannot be included in FSDG-compliant distributions (see this bug in Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=984689).

I had to disable the test suite of html-proofer in GNU Guix because of that.


It seems that since version 6, the gem is dual-licensed under MIT and Hippocratic: https://github.com/vcr/vcr/blob/84e5040c3ba67a80d715773f0228a8e31541af1c/vcr.gemspec#L16

Would upgrading to v6 here help you?


It's not dual-licensed (that would defeat the point of the Hippocratic license); rather, the files contributed as MIT until the project switched license remain MIT, while the new files (and the whole) is covered by the Hippocratic license [0].

[0] vcr/vcr#804

Are there any license compliant gems that do the same thing VCR does? I don’t mind replacing it with a new library but I’m struggling to find a solution here.

If there's nothing else available we could try to use the older 5.0.18 version on commit g842b2bf, the last commit before the license switch (git describe: v5.0.0-18-g842b2bf).

Well, html-proofer is locked and working with ~> 2.9, which is well below the version licensing change in 5.1.

I'm closing this out because I think I'm in compliance, but feel free to reopen/comment if I'm misunderstanding. Again, my understanding is that because this gem uses VCR 2.9.3, which is MIT licensed, that it is in compliance.

Indeed, it's currently in compliance. Something to keep in mind for the future though. Cheers!

Indeed, it's currently in compliance. Something to keep in mind for the future though.

As long as we’re giving unsolicited advice: perhaps Debian should try to work harder to give open source maintainers help in solving problems that affect their project, rather than go around raising false warnings. Instead of a project maintainer going around looking for dependencies that have licenses that fit Debian’s needs, Debian maintainers should go out and help the packages in question, or build their own alternatives.