gjtorikian / html-proofer

Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Questions on command-line options in 4.x

brockfanning opened this issue · comments

Would it be possible point me to any documentation of the changes to the command-line options from 3.x to 4.x? From what I can gather:

  • --check-html is no longer a valid option. I'm guessing it is the default now?
  • --url-ignore is now --ignore-urls?
  • --file-ignore is now --ignore-files?

In particular regards to --ignore-files, have its requirements changed? It doesn't seem to be working the same way it did in 3.x. In my case, I'm running something like this:


set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset

IGNORE_HREFS=$(ruby -e 'puts %w{
}.map{|h| "/#{h}/"}.join(",")')

bundle exec htmlproofer _site --disable-external --ignore-files $(paste -sd, .htmlprooferignore) --ignore-urls $IGNORE_HREFS $@

Where .htmlprooferignore is a file like this:


But it's not ignoring the files. Previously with html-proofer 3.x, it was working correctly using this command:

bundle exec htmlproofer _site --check-html --disable-external --file-ignore $(paste -sd, .htmlprooferignore) --url-ignore $IGNORE_HREFS $@

Thanks for any advice!

@brockfanning, https://github.com/gjtorikian/html-proofer/blob/main/UPGRADING.md should be the main pointer here.

Also be aware of the fact that "boolean" options like --disable-external must be specified as --disable-external=true (or --disable-external=false). See also #748 (comment) for some more reference

@riccardoporreca Perfect, thanks very much!

I'm not sure why our custom "htmlprooferignore" is not working anymore, but I will investigate more.

--check-html is no longer a valid option. I'm guessing it is the default now?

At the risk of inducing future ire, check-html was always very broken (HTML can be malformed in all sorts of ways), and it was removed to spare the poor heart of the maintainer tracking down each and every minor quirk that came up.