gjanders / SplunkAdmins

Splunk Admins application to assist with troubleshooting Splunk enterprise installations

Home Page:https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3796/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python3 support

ForsetiJan opened this issue · comments


Hi there!

I really enjoy using your great app but unfortunately Splunk 8.2 doesn't like the python 2 code. Please find the python upgrade readiness app's output below. The page on splunkbase states that 8.2 is supported however; are you planning to move to python3?

            "type":"Private App",
               "name":"Python in custom Mako templates",
               "description":"Check for the existence of Python scripts, which must be upgraded to be cross-compatible with Python 2 and 3 for the upcoming Splunk Enterprise Python 3 release. ",
               "name":"Python scripts",
                        "@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@\n from subprocess import Popen, PIPE\n from time import sleep\n from lookup_watcher_class import LookupWatcher \n+from six.moves import range\n \n sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), \"lib\"))\n "
                     "message":"@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@\n from subprocess import Popen, PIPE\n from time import sleep\n from lookup_watcher_class import LookupWatcher \n+from six.moves import range\n \n sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), \"lib\"))\n \nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lookup_watcher.py"
                        "@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@\n     :type dictionary: ``dict``\n     \"\"\"\n     parsed_cookie = six.moves.http_cookies.SimpleCookie(cookie_str)\n-    for cookie in parsed_cookie.values():\n+    for cookie in list(parsed_cookie.values()):\n         dictionary[cookie.key] = cookie.coded_value\n \n "
                     "message":"@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@\n     :type dictionary: ``dict``\n     \"\"\"\n     parsed_cookie = six.moves.http_cookies.SimpleCookie(cookie_str)\n-    for cookie in parsed_cookie.values():\n+    for cookie in list(parsed_cookie.values()):\n         dictionary[cookie.key] = cookie.coded_value\n \n \nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/binding.py"
                        "@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@\n #     OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n \n from UserDict import DictMixin\n+from six.moves import zip\n \n \n class OrderedDict(dict, DictMixin):",
                        "@@ -71,9 +72,9 @@\n         if not self:\n             raise KeyError('dictionary is empty')\n         if last:\n-            key = reversed(self).next()\n+            key = next(reversed(self))\n         else:\n-            key = iter(self).next()\n+            key = next(iter(self))\n         value = self.pop(key)\n         return key, value\n ",
                        "@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@\n     def __repr__(self):\n         if not self:\n             return '%s()' % (self.__class__.__name__,)\n-        return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.items())\n+        return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, list(self.items()))\n \n     def copy(self):\n         return self.__class__(self)",
                        "@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@\n         if isinstance(other, OrderedDict):\n             if len(self) != len(other):\n                 return False\n-            for p, q in  zip(self.items(), other.items()):\n+            for p, q in  zip(list(self.items()), list(other.items())):\n                 if p != q:\n                     return False\n             return True"
                     "message":"@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@\n #     OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n \n from UserDict import DictMixin\n+from six.moves import zip\n \n \n class OrderedDict(dict, DictMixin):\n@@ -71,9 +72,9 @@\n         if not self:\n             raise KeyError('dictionary is empty')\n         if last:\n-            key = reversed(self).next()\n+            key = next(reversed(self))\n         else:\n-            key = iter(self).next()\n+            key = next(iter(self))\n         value = self.pop(key)\n         return key, value\n \n@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@\n     def __repr__(self):\n         if not self:\n             return '%s()' % (self.__class__.__name__,)\n-        return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.items())\n+        return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, list(self.items()))\n \n     def copy(self):\n         return self.__class__(self)\n@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@\n         if isinstance(other, OrderedDict):\n             if len(self) != len(other):\n                 return False\n-            for p, q in  zip(self.items(), other.items()):\n+            for p, q in  zip(list(self.items()), list(other.items())):\n                 if p != q:\n                     return False\n             return True\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/ordereddict.py"
                        "Error while checking the script:\nCan't parse /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/client.py: ParseError: bad input: type=1, value='if', context=(' ', (3678, 53))"
                     "message":"Error while checking the script:\nCan't parse /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/client.py: ParseError: bad input: type=1, value='if', context=(' ', (3678, 53))\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/client.py"
                        "@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@\n import operator\n import sys\n import types\n+import six\n \n __author__ = \"Benjamin Peterson <benjamin@python.org>\"\n __version__ = \"1.14.0\"",
                        "@@ -46,10 +47,10 @@\n \n     MAXSIZE = sys.maxsize\n else:\n-    string_types = basestring,\n-    integer_types = (int, long)\n-    class_types = (type, types.ClassType)\n-    text_type = unicode\n+    string_types = six.string_types,\n+    integer_types = six.integer_types\n+    class_types = (type, type)\n+    text_type = six.text_type\n     binary_type = str\n \n     if sys.platform.startswith(\"java\"):",
                        "@@ -529,7 +530,7 @@\n     advance_iterator = next\n except NameError:\n     def advance_iterator(it):\n-        return it.next()\n+        return next(it)\n next = advance_iterator\n \n ",
                        "@@ -552,7 +553,7 @@\n     Iterator = object\n else:\n     def get_unbound_function(unbound):\n-        return unbound.im_func\n+        return unbound.__func__\n \n     def create_bound_method(func, obj):\n         return types.MethodType(func, obj, obj.__class__)",
                        "@@ -655,7 +656,7 @@\n     # Workaround for standalone backslash\n \n     def u(s):\n-        return unicode(s.replace(r'\\\\', r'\\\\\\\\'), \"unicode_escape\")\n+        return six.text_type(s.replace(r'\\\\', r'\\\\\\\\'), \"unicode_escape\")\n     unichr = unichr\n     int2byte = chr\n ",
                        "@@ -747,11 +748,11 @@\n             return\n \n         def write(data):\n-            if not isinstance(data, basestring):\n+            if not isinstance(data, six.string_types):\n                 data = str(data)\n             # If the file has an encoding, encode unicode with it.\n             if (isinstance(fp, file) and\n-                    isinstance(data, unicode) and\n+                    isinstance(data, six.text_type) and\n                     fp.encoding is not None):\n                 errors = getattr(fp, \"errors\", None)\n                 if errors is None:",
                        "@@ -761,13 +762,13 @@\n         want_unicode = False\n         sep = kwargs.pop(\"sep\", None)\n         if sep is not None:\n-            if isinstance(sep, unicode):\n+            if isinstance(sep, six.text_type):\n                 want_unicode = True\n             elif not isinstance(sep, str):\n                 raise TypeError(\"sep must be None or a string\")\n         end = kwargs.pop(\"end\", None)\n         if end is not None:\n-            if isinstance(end, unicode):\n+            if isinstance(end, six.text_type):\n                 want_unicode = True\n             elif not isinstance(end, str):\n                 raise TypeError(\"end must be None or a string\")",
                        "@@ -775,12 +776,12 @@\n             raise TypeError(\"invalid keyword arguments to print()\")\n         if not want_unicode:\n             for arg in args:\n-                if isinstance(arg, unicode):\n+                if isinstance(arg, six.text_type):\n                     want_unicode = True\n                     break\n         if want_unicode:\n-            newline = unicode(\"\\n\")\n-            space = unicode(\" \")\n+            newline = six.text_type(\"\\n\")\n+            space = six.text_type(\" \")\n         else:\n             newline = \"\\n\"\n             space = \" \"",
                        "@@ Warnings/messages while checking the script: @@\n### In file /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/six.py ###\nLine 533: Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed by global binding"
                     "message":"@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@\n import operator\n import sys\n import types\n+import six\n \n __author__ = \"Benjamin Peterson <benjamin@python.org>\"\n __version__ = \"1.14.0\"\n@@ -46,10 +47,10 @@\n \n     MAXSIZE = sys.maxsize\n else:\n-    string_types = basestring,\n-    integer_types = (int, long)\n-    class_types = (type, types.ClassType)\n-    text_type = unicode\n+    string_types = six.string_types,\n+    integer_types = six.integer_types\n+    class_types = (type, type)\n+    text_type = six.text_type\n     binary_type = str\n \n     if sys.platform.startswith(\"java\"):\n@@ -529,7 +530,7 @@\n     advance_iterator = next\n except NameError:\n     def advance_iterator(it):\n-        return it.next()\n+        return next(it)\n next = advance_iterator\n \n \n@@ -552,7 +553,7 @@\n     Iterator = object\n else:\n     def get_unbound_function(unbound):\n-        return unbound.im_func\n+        return unbound.__func__\n \n     def create_bound_method(func, obj):\n         return types.MethodType(func, obj, obj.__class__)\n@@ -655,7 +656,7 @@\n     # Workaround for standalone backslash\n \n     def u(s):\n-        return unicode(s.replace(r'\\\\', r'\\\\\\\\'), \"unicode_escape\")\n+        return six.text_type(s.replace(r'\\\\', r'\\\\\\\\'), \"unicode_escape\")\n     unichr = unichr\n     int2byte = chr\n \n@@ -747,11 +748,11 @@\n             return\n \n         def write(data):\n-            if not isinstance(data, basestring):\n+            if not isinstance(data, six.string_types):\n                 data = str(data)\n             # If the file has an encoding, encode unicode with it.\n             if (isinstance(fp, file) and\n-                    isinstance(data, unicode) and\n+                    isinstance(data, six.text_type) and\n                     fp.encoding is not None):\n                 errors = getattr(fp, \"errors\", None)\n                 if errors is None:\n@@ -761,13 +762,13 @@\n         want_unicode = False\n         sep = kwargs.pop(\"sep\", None)\n         if sep is not None:\n-            if isinstance(sep, unicode):\n+            if isinstance(sep, six.text_type):\n                 want_unicode = True\n             elif not isinstance(sep, str):\n                 raise TypeError(\"sep must be None or a string\")\n         end = kwargs.pop(\"end\", None)\n         if end is not None:\n-            if isinstance(end, unicode):\n+            if isinstance(end, six.text_type):\n                 want_unicode = True\n             elif not isinstance(end, str):\n                 raise TypeError(\"end must be None or a string\")\n@@ -775,12 +776,12 @@\n             raise TypeError(\"invalid keyword arguments to print()\")\n         if not want_unicode:\n             for arg in args:\n-                if isinstance(arg, unicode):\n+                if isinstance(arg, six.text_type):\n                     want_unicode = True\n                     break\n         if want_unicode:\n-            newline = unicode(\"\\n\")\n-            space = unicode(\" \")\n+            newline = six.text_type(\"\\n\")\n+            space = six.text_type(\" \")\n         else:\n             newline = \"\\n\"\n             space = \" \"\n@@ Warnings/messages while checking the script: @@\n### In file /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/six.py ###\nLine 533: Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed by global binding\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/six.py"
                        "@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@\n     }\n \n     # Convert to unicode encoding in only python 2 for xml parser\n-    if(sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0) and isinstance(text, unicode)):\n+    if(sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0) and isinstance(text, six.text_type)):\n         text = text.encode('utf-8')\n \n     root = XML(text)"
                     "message":"@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@\n     }\n \n     # Convert to unicode encoding in only python 2 for xml parser\n-    if(sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0) and isinstance(text, unicode)):\n+    if(sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0) and isinstance(text, six.text_type)):\n         text = text.encode('utf-8')\n \n     root = XML(text)\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/data.py"
                        "@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@\n \n from __future__ import absolute_import\n from splunklib.six.moves import zip\n+from six.moves import zip\n def xml_compare(expected, found):\n     \"\"\"Checks equality of two ``ElementTree`` objects.\n "
                     "message":"@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@\n \n from __future__ import absolute_import\n from splunklib.six.moves import zip\n+from six.moves import zip\n def xml_compare(expected, found):\n     \"\"\"Checks equality of two ``ElementTree`` objects.\n \nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/modularinput/utils.py"
                        "@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@\n \n         if len(values) > 0:\n             settings = sorted(list(six.iteritems(values)))\n-            settings = imap(lambda n_v: '{}={}'.format(n_v[0], repr(n_v[1])), settings)\n+            settings = map(lambda n_v: '{}={}'.format(n_v[0], repr(n_v[1])), settings)\n             raise AttributeError('Inapplicable configuration settings: ' + ', '.join(settings))\n \n         cls.configuration_setting_definitions = definitions",
                        "@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@\n             OrderedDict.__init__(self, ((option.name, item_class(command, option)) for (name, option) in definitions))\n \n         def __repr__(self):\n-            text = 'Option.View([' + ','.join(imap(lambda item: repr(item), six.itervalues(self))) + '])'\n+            text = 'Option.View([' + ','.join(map(lambda item: repr(item), six.itervalues(self))) + '])'\n             return text\n \n         def __str__(self):"
                     "message":"@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@\n \n         if len(values) > 0:\n             settings = sorted(list(six.iteritems(values)))\n-            settings = imap(lambda n_v: '{}={}'.format(n_v[0], repr(n_v[1])), settings)\n+            settings = map(lambda n_v: '{}={}'.format(n_v[0], repr(n_v[1])), settings)\n             raise AttributeError('Inapplicable configuration settings: ' + ', '.join(settings))\n \n         cls.configuration_setting_definitions = definitions\n@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@\n             OrderedDict.__init__(self, ((option.name, item_class(command, option)) for (name, option) in definitions))\n \n         def __repr__(self):\n-            text = 'Option.View([' + ','.join(imap(lambda item: repr(item), six.itervalues(self))) + '])'\n+            text = 'Option.View([' + ','.join(map(lambda item: repr(item), six.itervalues(self))) + '])'\n             return text\n \n         def __str__(self):\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/searchcommands/decorators.py"
                        "@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@\n         # N.B.: Does not use Python 2 dict copy semantics\n         def iteritems(self):\n             iteritems = SearchCommand.ConfigurationSettings.iteritems(self)\n-            return imap(lambda name_value: (name_value[0], 'events' if name_value[0] == 'type' else name_value[1]), iteritems)\n+            return map(lambda name_value: (name_value[0], 'events' if name_value[0] == 'type' else name_value[1]), iteritems)\n \n         # N.B.: Does not use Python 3 dict view semantics\n         if not six.PY2:"
                     "message":"@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@\n         # N.B.: Does not use Python 2 dict copy semantics\n         def iteritems(self):\n             iteritems = SearchCommand.ConfigurationSettings.iteritems(self)\n-            return imap(lambda name_value: (name_value[0], 'events' if name_value[0] == 'type' else name_value[1]), iteritems)\n+            return map(lambda name_value: (name_value[0], 'events' if name_value[0] == 'type' else name_value[1]), iteritems)\n \n         # N.B.: Does not use Python 3 dict view semantics\n         if not six.PY2:\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/searchcommands/eventing_command.py"
                        "@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@\n             version = self.command.protocol_version\n             if version == 1:\n                 if self.required_fields is None:\n-                    iteritems = ifilter(lambda name_value: name_value[0] != 'clear_required_fields', iteritems)\n+                    iteritems = filter(lambda name_value: name_value[0] != 'clear_required_fields', iteritems)\n             else:\n-                iteritems = ifilter(lambda name_value2: name_value2[0] != 'distributed', iteritems)\n+                iteritems = filter(lambda name_value2: name_value2[0] != 'distributed', iteritems)\n                 if not self.distributed:\n-                    iteritems = imap(\n+                    iteritems = map(\n                         lambda name_value1: (name_value1[0], 'stateful') if name_value1[0] == 'type' else (name_value1[0], name_value1[1]), iteritems)\n             return iteritems\n "
                     "message":"@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@\n             version = self.command.protocol_version\n             if version == 1:\n                 if self.required_fields is None:\n-                    iteritems = ifilter(lambda name_value: name_value[0] != 'clear_required_fields', iteritems)\n+                    iteritems = filter(lambda name_value: name_value[0] != 'clear_required_fields', iteritems)\n             else:\n-                iteritems = ifilter(lambda name_value2: name_value2[0] != 'distributed', iteritems)\n+                iteritems = filter(lambda name_value2: name_value2[0] != 'distributed', iteritems)\n                 if not self.distributed:\n-                    iteritems = imap(\n+                    iteritems = map(\n                         lambda name_value1: (name_value1[0], 'stateful') if name_value1[0] == 'type' else (name_value1[0], name_value1[1]), iteritems)\n             return iteritems\n \nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/searchcommands/streaming_command.py"
                        "@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@\n from collections import namedtuple\n \n import io\n+from io import open\n \n try:\n     from collections import OrderedDict  # must be python 2.7",
                        "@@ -300,7 +301,7 @@\n             except ValueError:\n                 return value\n \n-        info = ObjectView(dict(imap(lambda f_v: (convert_field(f_v[0]), convert_value(f_v[1])), izip(fields, values))))\n+        info = ObjectView(dict(map(lambda f_v: (convert_field(f_v[0]), convert_value(f_v[1])), zip(fields, values))))\n \n         try:\n             count_map = info.countMap",
                        "@@ -309,7 +310,7 @@\n         else:\n             count_map = count_map.split(';')\n             n = len(count_map)\n-            info.countMap = dict(izip(islice(count_map, 0, n, 2), islice(count_map, 1, n, 2)))\n+            info.countMap = dict(zip(islice(count_map, 0, n, 2), islice(count_map, 1, n, 2)))\n \n         try:\n             msg_type = info.msgType",
                        "@@ -317,7 +318,7 @@\n         except AttributeError:\n             pass\n         else:\n-            messages = ifilter(lambda t_m: t_m[0] or t_m[1], izip(msg_type.split('\\n'), msg_text.split('\\n')))\n+            messages = filter(lambda t_m: t_m[0] or t_m[1], zip(msg_type.split('\\n'), msg_text.split('\\n')))\n             info.msg = [Message(message) for message in messages]\n             del info.msgType\n ",
                        "@@ -928,12 +929,12 @@\n \n         if len(mv_fieldnames) == 0:\n             for values in reader:\n-                yield OrderedDict(izip(fieldnames, values))\n+                yield OrderedDict(zip(fieldnames, values))\n             return\n \n         for values in reader:\n             record = OrderedDict()\n-            for fieldname, value in izip(fieldnames, values):\n+            for fieldname, value in zip(fieldnames, values):\n                 if fieldname.startswith('__mv_'):\n                     if len(value) > 0:\n                         record[mv_fieldnames[fieldname]] = self._decode_list(value)",
                        "@@ -1008,7 +1009,7 @@\n \n             \"\"\"\n             definitions = type(self).configuration_setting_definitions\n-            settings = imap(\n+            settings = map(\n                 lambda setting: repr((setting.name, setting.__get__(self), setting.supporting_protocols)), definitions)\n             return '[' + ', '.join(settings) + ']'\n ",
                        "@@ -1046,9 +1047,9 @@\n         def iteritems(self):\n             definitions = type(self).configuration_setting_definitions\n             version = self.command.protocol_version\n-            return ifilter(\n-                lambda name_value1: name_value1[1] is not None, imap(\n-                    lambda setting: (setting.name, setting.__get__(self)), ifilter(\n+            return filter(\n+                lambda name_value1: name_value1[1] is not None, map(\n+                    lambda setting: (setting.name, setting.__get__(self)), filter(\n                         lambda setting: setting.is_supported_by_protocol(version), definitions)))\n \n         # N.B.: Does not use Python 3 dict view semantics"
                     "message":"@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@\n from collections import namedtuple\n \n import io\n+from io import open\n \n try:\n     from collections import OrderedDict  # must be python 2.7\n@@ -300,7 +301,7 @@\n             except ValueError:\n                 return value\n \n-        info = ObjectView(dict(imap(lambda f_v: (convert_field(f_v[0]), convert_value(f_v[1])), izip(fields, values))))\n+        info = ObjectView(dict(map(lambda f_v: (convert_field(f_v[0]), convert_value(f_v[1])), zip(fields, values))))\n \n         try:\n             count_map = info.countMap\n@@ -309,7 +310,7 @@\n         else:\n             count_map = count_map.split(';')\n             n = len(count_map)\n-            info.countMap = dict(izip(islice(count_map, 0, n, 2), islice(count_map, 1, n, 2)))\n+            info.countMap = dict(zip(islice(count_map, 0, n, 2), islice(count_map, 1, n, 2)))\n \n         try:\n             msg_type = info.msgType\n@@ -317,7 +318,7 @@\n         except AttributeError:\n             pass\n         else:\n-            messages = ifilter(lambda t_m: t_m[0] or t_m[1], izip(msg_type.split('\\n'), msg_text.split('\\n')))\n+            messages = filter(lambda t_m: t_m[0] or t_m[1], zip(msg_type.split('\\n'), msg_text.split('\\n')))\n             info.msg = [Message(message) for message in messages]\n             del info.msgType\n \n@@ -928,12 +929,12 @@\n \n         if len(mv_fieldnames) == 0:\n             for values in reader:\n-                yield OrderedDict(izip(fieldnames, values))\n+                yield OrderedDict(zip(fieldnames, values))\n             return\n \n         for values in reader:\n             record = OrderedDict()\n-            for fieldname, value in izip(fieldnames, values):\n+            for fieldname, value in zip(fieldnames, values):\n                 if fieldname.startswith('__mv_'):\n                     if len(value) > 0:\n                         record[mv_fieldnames[fieldname]] = self._decode_list(value)\n@@ -1008,7 +1009,7 @@\n \n             \"\"\"\n             definitions = type(self).configuration_setting_definitions\n-            settings = imap(\n+            settings = map(\n                 lambda setting: repr((setting.name, setting.__get__(self), setting.supporting_protocols)), definitions)\n             return '[' + ', '.join(settings) + ']'\n \n@@ -1046,9 +1047,9 @@\n         def iteritems(self):\n             definitions = type(self).configuration_setting_definitions\n             version = self.command.protocol_version\n-            return ifilter(\n-                lambda name_value1: name_value1[1] is not None, imap(\n-                    lambda setting: (setting.name, setting.__get__(self)), ifilter(\n+            return filter(\n+                lambda name_value1: name_value1[1] is not None, map(\n+                    lambda setting: (setting.name, setting.__get__(self)), filter(\n                         lambda setting: setting.is_supported_by_protocol(version), definitions)))\n \n         # N.B.: Does not use Python 3 dict view semantics\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/searchcommands/search_command.py"
                        "@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@\n             iteritems = SearchCommand.ConfigurationSettings.iteritems(self)\n             version = self.command.protocol_version\n             if version == 2:\n-                iteritems = ifilter(lambda name_value1: name_value1[0] != 'distributed', iteritems)\n+                iteritems = filter(lambda name_value1: name_value1[0] != 'distributed', iteritems)\n                 if not self.distributed and self.type == 'streaming':\n-                    iteritems = imap(\n+                    iteritems = map(\n                         lambda name_value: (name_value[0], 'stateful') if name_value[0] == 'type' else (name_value[0], name_value[1]), iteritems)\n             return iteritems\n "
                     "message":"@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@\n             iteritems = SearchCommand.ConfigurationSettings.iteritems(self)\n             version = self.command.protocol_version\n             if version == 2:\n-                iteritems = ifilter(lambda name_value1: name_value1[0] != 'distributed', iteritems)\n+                iteritems = filter(lambda name_value1: name_value1[0] != 'distributed', iteritems)\n                 if not self.distributed and self.type == 'streaming':\n-                    iteritems = imap(\n+                    iteritems = map(\n                         lambda name_value: (name_value[0], 'stateful') if name_value[0] == 'type' else (name_value[0], name_value[1]), iteritems)\n             return iteritems\n \nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/searchcommands/generating_command.py"
                        "@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@\n             if isinstance(specification.type, type):\n                 type_names = specification.type.__name__\n             else:\n-                type_names = ', '.join(imap(lambda t: t.__name__, specification.type))\n+                type_names = ', '.join(map(lambda t: t.__name__, specification.type))\n             raise ValueError('Expected {} value, not {}={}'.format(type_names, name, repr(value)))\n         if specification.constraint and not specification.constraint(value):\n             raise ValueError('Illegal value: {}={}'.format(name, repr(value)))",
                        "@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@\n \n         if fieldnames is None:\n             self._fieldnames = fieldnames = list(record.keys())\n-            value_list = imap(lambda fn: (str(fn), str('__mv_') + str(fn)), fieldnames)\n+            value_list = map(lambda fn: (str(fn), str('__mv_') + str(fn)), fieldnames)\n             self._writerow(list(chain.from_iterable(value_list)))\n \n         get_value = record.get"
                     "message":"@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@\n             if isinstance(specification.type, type):\n                 type_names = specification.type.__name__\n             else:\n-                type_names = ', '.join(imap(lambda t: t.__name__, specification.type))\n+                type_names = ', '.join(map(lambda t: t.__name__, specification.type))\n             raise ValueError('Expected {} value, not {}={}'.format(type_names, name, repr(value)))\n         if specification.constraint and not specification.constraint(value):\n             raise ValueError('Illegal value: {}={}'.format(name, repr(value)))\n@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@\n \n         if fieldnames is None:\n             self._fieldnames = fieldnames = list(record.keys())\n-            value_list = imap(lambda fn: (str(fn), str('__mv_') + str(fn)), fieldnames)\n+            value_list = map(lambda fn: (str(fn), str('__mv_') + str(fn)), fieldnames)\n             self._writerow(list(chain.from_iterable(value_list)))\n \n         get_value = record.get\nFile: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkAdmins/bin/lib/splunklib/searchcommands/internals.py"
               "required_action":"Update these Python scripts to be dual-compatible with Python 2 and 3."
               "description":"Splunk Python SDK Check",
               "name":"Splunk Python SDK Check",
         "details":"This app is not compatible with Python 3.",
         "required_action":"Update this app or uninstall it. If you do nothing, the app will fail."


If you refer to the images what is flagged in the code is a false alarm, the majority of warnings are from the splunk python libraries and not the app, the 1 warning from the app is not a problem at all!


:) I stand corrected.