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Duplicate VA organizations

nschonni opened this issue · comments

Under the US Fed section, there are currently two organizations that seem to represent the VA @USDeptVeteransAffairs and @department-of-veterans-affairs. The latter appears to be the only one with recent activity/members.

Yes I observed that too @nschonni, The @department-of-veterans-affairs is obviously the active Veteran Affairs Organization. @lapin7 isn't it as fit as I thought it to, if the other veteran affair organization ( @USDeptVeteransAffairs ) be closed down, its more evidently seeming to be a duplicate as @nschonni alerted because its kind of Dormant and inactive, and already have an effective counter of it. An effective organization is far better than duplicates of an organization that is in effective. My take on this issue though.

These are two separate orgs believe it or not.