github-changelog-generator / github-changelog-generator

Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Close interaction with "GitHub Releases"

skywinder opened this issue · comments

According this news:
There is a option to put release notes for each tag in GitHub Releases.
It will be nice to integrate ability to fill this notes by auto-generated change logs
(by using GitHubAPI: releases/edit-a-release )

Any suggestion are kindly welcome.
Need proposals, how to implement it in a good maner, to not override already existing release notes.

You would have the list of changes since the previous tag. The GitHub release note for the individual release is taken from an annotated tag (first line being the title).
Leave the auto-generated items in the tag. Additional, human-written release notes could be attached to a GitHub release.

@kkumler Agree with you. The first, that comes in mind - just add auto-generated notes in the end.

Would like to see this functionality.

Huge! +1

I think github-changelog-generator should focus on generating beautiful release notes.

JustRelease is already using github-changelog-generator to generate release notes while creating Github Release Page,uploading Release Assets and many more additional release steps for automated releases.

@mesutcelik thanks for mention about this tool! I hope I will implement it there sooner or later anyway :)

@skywinder that feature would be great!

Oh man, I would love to see this. I've been vouching for this project for a while and, as of late, losing some of those debates due to the lack of human curated notes. It's been called "a pretty commit message dump" :( Having human curated notes would top this off as a premier changelog generator, IMO.


I do really love this project. In fact, I decided to wrap it up in an API, Github Changelog API. You can just curl your right into your repo, with no deps 👍.

I also added a simple React app demo interface, if you want to try it out. After generating, you can view it in markdown and HTML.

Here is an interesting project by @mattbrictson:
It looks like something close to this idea.
Just leave this link there in case of.

Any recent updates on this issue?

I'm interested in a reverse support for this (that is, filling the changelog with commit messages from tags). I have been recently writing short summaries of changes to commit messages of annotated tags, which are displayed in the github in a form of release notes. It would be nice to get this extracted and prepended to the generated content to give some more context.

@rytilahti I'd be more than happy to merge a PR adding this feature, it seems like it would be useful for sure 👍

Putting my vote out there that this would be great to see implemented 👍

This a pretty neat tool that perhaps this project can take notes from:

I would love to see this.

I wrote a shell wrapper to integrate github-changelog-generator, semver and chandler and I'm gonna leave it here:

bump in 2020

@skywinder, this would be an awesome feature!

In CI/CD scenario where every change on master is released I cannot have any file written to master during the release (like writing to the changelog file). It's because merging multiple PRs concurrently will cause the release builds to compete for the changelog resource. A nice solution is to post release notes to GH Releases, instead of a file in the repo.

Please consider making github-changelog-generator even more CI/CD friendly! Great project, thank you for sharing!!!