gitakpaudyal / http-mini

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. Fork, clone, and then cd into directory.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Below is the documentation for a used car sales business' API. Read through the api docs so that you know what types of requests you can make, and what responses you can expect.
  • Start with setting up 1 get, put, post, and delete request. If you have time or need more practice with http requests, set up the rest of the app.

NOTE: Your focus is on making the http requests using axios. You will notice that most of the app is already set up for you.

REMINDER: It is hard to dive into an existing code base and understand exactly what is going on. This project's focus is to help you learn how to interact with an API through http requests. It is not neccessary to understand each peice of this react app.


  • How to make an http request using axios.
  • Understanding GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE
  • Using and understanding .then()

Bonus - notifications:

  • This app is using a library called 'react-toasts'. You can have a toast show up in the corner to let you know if your http requests were successful or not.

  • i.e.:

    .then( res => {
      if (res.status === 200) {
        ToastStore.success('Success!', 3000)
      } else {
        ToastStore.error('Uh, oh! We got code issues!', 3000)

    success(message, timer) : green toast

    info(message, timer) : white toast

    warning(message, timer) : yellow toast

    error(message, timer) : red toast

Joe's Auto API Docs:



Get all vehicles
  • Request url: base url + '/api/vehicles'
  • Response: All vehicles
Get vehicles by color
  • Request url: base url + '/api/vehicles'
  • Send with query: i.e. ?color=red
  • Response: All vehicles that match given color
Get vehicles newer than specified year
  • Request url: base url + '/api/vehicles'
  • Send with query: i.e. ?year=1998
  • Response: All vehicles newer than given year
Get vehicles by make
  • Request url: base url + '/api/vehicles'
  • Send with query: i.e. ?make=ford
  • Response: All vehicles that match given car make


Add vehicle
  • Request url: base url + '/api/vehicles'
  • Need make, model, year, color, price in body of request. ID is auto-generated.
  • Response: updated vehicles array.


Increase/decrease price of car by $1000
  • Request url: base url + '/api/vehicle/:id/:change'
    • id is the id of the vehicle
    • Value of change needs to be either up or down.
  • Response: updated vehicles array


Delete vehicle by id
  • Request url: base url + '/api/vehicles/:id'
  • Response: updated vehicles array

Potential Buyers


Get all buyers
  • Request url: base url + '/api/buyers'
  • Response: array of all buyers
Get buyers by name/letters
  • Request url: base url + '/api/buyers'
    • Send with query: i.e. ?name=Lindsey
    • Will find names that match letters sent
  • Response: Array of buyers with matching names


Add potential buyer
  • Request url: base url + '/api/buyers'
    • Need name, phone, address in body of request. ID is auto-generated.
  • Response: updated buyers array


Delete buyer by id
  • Request url: base url + '/api/buyers/:id'
    • id param is the id of the buyer getting removed
  • Response: updated buyers array



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