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help: discussion is correcty created, but reading causes a 404

harrybin opened this issue · comments

in my case the discussions are correctly created, e.g. when using the thumb up below a post.
But loading the post page again does not show it, the call to giscus causes a 404:
Discussion: harrybin/

Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 404 Not Found

Any idea what's the problem?

I have the same issue with my github page. I'm using gohugo with this theme
And this is my configuration

    enabled = true
    repo = "hntan/"
    repoID = "167350460"
    category = "General"
    categoryID = "41801912"
    mapping = "pathname"
    strict = "0"
    reactionsEnabled = "1"
    emitMetadata = "0"
    inputPosition = "bottom"
    lang = "en"