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Not receiving email notifications for issues migrated to discussions

thomaslevesque opened this issue · comments

A few months ago, I migrated from Utterances (which uses Github issues for comments) to Giscus. As part of the migration process, I converted the issues to discussions.

I just realized that I was not receiving email notifications for new comments in these discussions (at least not always), even though I seem to be subscribed (there's a "unsubscribe" button).

Not sure if it's related, but last week I received several notifications for new discussions created by Giscus for posts that didn't have any comments. The discussions are empty.

I did a test, by asking someone to comment

  • on one of the pages for which Giscus created a new discussion: I received the notification
  • on one of the pages whose discussion was converted from a Github issue: I didn't receive the notification

I'm not sure if it's a Giscus issue or a Github issue, but it's annoying... Do you know anything about this?

In fact, the problem only seems to happen for the first comment after the issue is converted to a discussion.

Unfortunately anything related to notifications is an issue in GitHub, giscus has no control over it.

See also #1258

That said, I'd suggest reporting this to GitHub, e.g. via under the Issues or Discussions category. That place is a mess though, as some people don't understand that it's supposed to be a place where people give feedback to GitHub about GitHub Discussions, not a general-purpose public discussion forum.

Apparently it's already been reported, but not fixed...

That place is a mess though, as some people don't understand that it's supposed to be a place where people give feedback to GitHub about GitHub Discussions, not a general-purpose public discussion forum.

Ironic that even though Github offers an issue tracker, there's no clearly defined bug tracker for Github itself...