girliemac / msteams-httpstatuscats

HTTP Status Cats app for Microsoft Teams

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HTTP Status Cats app for Microsoft Teams

HTTP Status Lookup: Search Extension code example for MS Teams

Updated: September 2020

This is a small sample code to build a message extention actions feature for Microsoft Teams. If you are familiar with Slack app development, this is equivalent to their Global Action / Slash Commands (although "/" search is not customizable in Teams).

App in Teams

πŸ”­ Overview: User - App Interactions

This sample shows you how to create an app using Messaging Extension, Messaging extension with search commands that allow your users to search external systems and insert the results of that search into a message

There are two places where a user action can be invoked; Message Compose box and Search / Command box.

Message Compose box

compose box

  1. A user click the app icon (which is a monochrome/transparent background icon you define in App Studio) below the message compose box
  2. In the popup, the user search an query (e.g. stock ticker symbol). On keyup, the app shows the available results in the popup box
  3. When the user click one of the results, the content appears in the message compose box
  4. The user can post the message with the search result to the channel

Search / Command box

search box

  1. A user click the app icon (which is a monochrome/transparent background icon you define in App Studio) below the message compose box
  2. In the popup, the user search an query (e.g. stock ticker symbol). On keyup, the app shows the available results in the popup box
  3. When the user click one of the results, the content appears in the search popup box

You can write code and make it work for both compose and search boxes or just one of them, by configuring in the manifest file. (In this tutorial, we create it using App Studio.)

πŸ”­ Overview: Code

πŸ“„ index.js

The scripts that listens to the incoming requests. Using Bot Framework (

πŸ“„ bot.js

This files include the code to handle:

  • the action invokation, where the app can grab the query from the user
  • compose the preview UI and the final UI (after the user clicks the preview) to display the result

πŸ“„ provacy.html & tou.html

You are required to provide the URLs of "Privacy statement" and "Terms of use". The URLs don't need to be packaged with your app, but must have them somewhere you own.

πŸ“ Manifest package to be installed in Teams client

⚠️ You don't actually need to create these files now, unless you want to build it manually without App Studio

The teams-package dir in this repo is nothing more than an example of what a zip file (to be installed in Teams app) contains.

πŸ“ teams-package
    └── πŸ“„ manifest.json
    └── πŸ–Ό color.png (192x192)
    └── πŸ–Ό outline.png (32x32)

See the instruction below to see how you can create your own app package using App Studio

If you want quickly try this app without running own server, try the Glitch version of the code sample!

Or fork this repo and try using a localhost tunnel like ngrok.

βš™οΈ App Configuration

Here's the step-by-step how to set up the ap and install on Teams-

πŸ““ Prerequisites

Also, in this example, I am using Express.js to run a Node server and handles the basic HTTP Post.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Creating App Manifest with App Studio

App Details

Open App Studio app in Teams client.

Then, click Create a new app and fill out all the required fileds including the Bot names, descriptions, etc.

At App URLs section, inlcude a URL of your privacy and TOU webpages.

App Studio

Massaging Extensions config

From the left menu, select Capabilities > Massaging Extensions.

App Studio

Go ahead and click the button to set up.

App Studio

Give it a name.

App Credentials

Copy the ID under your app name (something looks like 123xx567-123x-...) and paste it as an environment variable in your .env file, which is supposed to be a hidden file (Rename the .env-sample to .env).

Under App Passwords, generate new password, and copy it. Then paste it in your .env file.

App Studio

Configure actions

At Messagind Endpoint, enter https://[your server or local tunnel]/api/messages.

Scroll to Command and click "Add".

In the dialog box -

Select "Allow users to query your service for information..."

App Studio

Then, fill out the command ID and title text. Also, a parameter name, its title, and the description. Set the type of input as text, then click Save.

App Studio

Finish creating the app manifest package

Go to Finish > Test and distribute.

If you get any errors, go fix it, otherwise, click Install your client.

You can also download the zip file that contains manifest.json, and two icon images to install later or distribute.

πŸ€– Test your app

In your Teams client, try the search box and the message compose box. I hope it works!

If fail,

  1. check if the info in the .env is correct
  2. check if you point to the right endpoint. Check your server URL. (You can get your Glitch server URL by clicking the Share from the left side menu next to your avatar, then click Live App to get the base URL.)

App in Teams

Deployment to Azure

You can deploy the app to Azure in a few different ways:

  1. From Azure portal and deploy by setting up an Web App service. (Docs)


  1. Use Azure App Services extension in VS Code. (Docs)


  1. Set up a GitHub Action to deploy to Azure!

Of course, you can deploy to wherever you like other than Microsoft Azure!

Learn more (TBD)

I will add more learning resources


HTTP Status Cats app for Microsoft Teams

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%