giovannibenussi / css-guideline

A guideline to design scalable and maintainable stylesheets.

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A guideline to design scalable and maintainable stylesheets.

Table of contents


This is a guideline written with the purpose of have a common coding style and conventions, thus allowing developers to rapid and easily find where they should make certain changes. It's simple, if you and your team follow this recommendations, all of you will benefit from a reduced amount of time required in finding the code that modifies some element and the time spent knowing where modify certain properties (color, font-type, padding, etc).


  • Never use id selectors
  • Never include position related rules inside a component definition (margin, position, etc), because they will make your component not reusable

Rule Declaration Anatomy

The basic anatomy of a rule declaration is as follows:

.my-class {
    // Font related style

    // General element style

    // Padding related style

Each section should be separated visually by a newline.

For example, if we want a red box with a white font with a font-weight of 300 and 20px of padding we should write something like this:

// Bad
.red-box {
    padding-left: 20px
    padding-right: 30px
    color: white
    font-weight: 300
    background: red
// Good
.red-box {
    color: white
    font-weight: 300

    background: red

    padding-left: 20px
    padding-right: 30px

Font and general rule organization

In the font and general rule declaration, you should organize the properties in alphabetical order:

// Bad
font-size: 14px
color: white
font-weight: 300
font-style: italic

// Good
color: white
font-size: 14px
font-style: italic
font-weight: 300

Margin and padding rule organization

When you declare a margin or padding rule, you should follow the order botton-top-left-right as follows (the same for margin):



With the purpose of scaling and making our css maintainable, we will use the following elements:

  • Block: A functionally independent page component that can be reused (source). For example, if you have a component that is or will be reused, you have to make a block for it. If a block contains another reusable component inside it, it should be also another independent block. Thus, a block can have blocks inside it.
  • Element: A composite part of a block that can't be used separately from it. ((source)[]).

As a rule of thumb, you can't have a component in your website that isn't a block or an element.


A guideline to design scalable and maintainable stylesheets.