ginuerzh / gost

GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang

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Domain fronting and change Sni

mahdimirzayi120 opened this issue · comments

Hi everyone
I have v2ray websocket server and I used a CDN and domain fronting to prevent IP blocking. Actually i use a valid domain in SNI field and the origin domain is in the camouflage host which encrypts in tls (the SNI is

Now I have to use another server as a relay to connect to the cdn and main server. It works well by tcp forwarding to a custom CDN ip address (gost -L=tcp://:443/X.X.X.X:443)
But I want to use a second cdn to connect to the relay server. So i have to change the first valid SNI in V2rayN panel to a registered domain in second CDN! (this SNI is

Can you please help me how can I configure the relayed server and change SNI (Server Name Indication) to ??

I need it urgently
Thanks in advice 🌹