ginader / HTML5-placeholder-polyfill

Small and robust polyfill for the HTML5 placeholder attribut.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Correction to make refresh work

tyrsensei opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

First of all, great work for what you did here :)

Secondly, I had a project with bootstrap, and in a modal, there were placeholders. I don't know if it's because the input were hidden, but they wouldn't appear.

Nevermind I thought, I'd just refresh them at "shown" :) But the refresh wouldn't make a thing :((

Looking into the source code, it appeared that you removed the placeholder attribute from the input, so the refresh couldn't work. I commented that line, and hurray \o/ (line 113).

I'd like to know why you removed it, because right now, I commented that line, but I wouldn't like to lose something doint it.

Thanks in advance,