ginader / HTML5-placeholder-polyfill

Small and robust polyfill for the HTML5 placeholder attribut.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add documentation to specify which options for modernizr

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First, thanks for providing this library. When one goes to the Modernizr site, they are heavily focused on not using a default modernizr lib for production - ie, custom option selection and lib generation are almost required. Which is good, right, for smaller file size. But, in the case of wanting to add and use a lib like placeholder-polyfill, it's a bit of a barrier to adoption to have to deduce what checkboxes I need to check on the Modernizr site. Would it be possible to list those here on github in the documentation?

very good idea. I'll add the necessary info. Currently checking if i can automate this somehow.