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Problem with showing markers

jcmefra opened this issue · comments

Problem description

I'm getting an error when I do markers=True in

Your environment

Please provide the output of print(pygimli.Report()) here. If that does not
work, please give provide some additional information on your:

  Date: Thu Apr 11 15:29:02 2024 -05

                OS : Linux
            CPU(s) : 8
           Machine : x86_64
      Architecture : 64bit
               RAM : 15.6 GiB
       Environment : Jupyter
       File system : ext4

  Python 3.10.12 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jun 23 2023, 22:40:32)
  [GCC 12.3.0]

           pygimli : 1.4.3
            pgcore : 1.4.0
             numpy : 1.23.5
        matplotlib : 3.7.2
             scipy : 1.12.0
              tqdm : 4.66.2
           IPython : 8.14.0
           pyvista : 0.41.1

Steps to reproduce

Tell us how to reproduce this issue. Ideally, you could paste the code that produces the error:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import pygimli as pg
import pygimli.meshtools as mt
from pygimli.physics import ert

world = mt.createWorld(start=(-100, -40), end=(100, 0))

iPos = (-49,-15) #Inyection Point
iPos2 = (50, -15) #Inyection Point 2
fault = mt.createPolygon([(-100, -40), (-100, -3), (-52, -5), iPos, (-40, -40)], isClosed= True)

layer = mt.createPolygon([iPos, iPos2, (100, -8)], 
                         addNodes=100, interpolate='spline', isClosed=False)

world += layer
world += fault

world.addRegionMarker((40, -10), marker=1)
world.addRegionMarker((-75, -35), marker=2)
world.addRegionMarker((40, -35), marker=3), markers=True)

Expected behavior

To show the markers.

Actual behavior

Shows an error:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[136], [line 1](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=136&line=1)
----> [1](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=136&line=1), markers=True)

File [~/anaconda3/envs/pg/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pygimli/viewer/](, in show(obj, data, **kwargs)
    [143](             n.pos()[1] = n.pos()[2]
    [144](         return showMesh(meshSwap, data, **kwargs)
--> [146](     return showMesh(mesh, data, **kwargs)
    [147]( elif mesh.dim() == 3:
    [149](     from .pv import showMesh3D

File [~/anaconda3/envs/pg/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pygimli/viewer/](, in showMesh(mesh, data, block, colorBar, label, coverage, ax, savefig, showMesh, showBoundary, markers, **kwargs)
    [453](     pg.viewer.mpl.drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(ax, b,
    [454](                                              color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
    [455](                                              linewidth=1.4)
    [457]( if kwargs.pop("boundaryMarkers", False):
--> [458](     pg.viewer.mpl.drawBoundaryMarkers(
    [459](         ax, mesh,
    [460](         clipBoundaryMarkers=kwargs.pop('clipBoundaryMarkers', False),
    [461](         **kwargs.pop('boundaryProps', {}))
    [463]( fitView = kwargs.pop('fitView', fitViewDefault)
    [465]( if fitView is not False:

File [~/anaconda3/envs/pg/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pygimli/viewer/mpl/](, in drawBoundaryMarkers(ax, mesh, clipBoundaryMarkers, **kwargs)
    [540]( for i, m in enumerate(ms):
    [541](     bs = mesh.findBoundaryByMarker(m)
--> [542](     paths = mesh.findPaths(bs)
    [543](     col = 'C' + str(i)
    [545](     for p in paths:

File [~/anaconda3/envs/pg/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pygimli/core/](, in __Mesh_findPaths__(self, bounds)
    [424](         # starting node
    [425](         path.append(rID)
--> [426](         followPath(path, S, rID)
    [428]( ## remaining are closed
    [429]( for i in range(S.shape[0]):

File [~/anaconda3/envs/pg/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pygimli/core/](, in __Mesh_findPaths__.<locals>.followPath(path, S, rID)
    [393]( # print('row', rID, 'col', cID)
    [394]( # print('add', cID)
    [395]( path.append(cID)
--> [396]( S.pop((rID, cID))
    [397]( S.pop((cID, rID))
    [398]( # print('pop-r', (rID, cID))

KeyError: (0, 207)

If possible, please add one or more labels to your issue, e.g. if you expect that your issue is rather a question than a problem with the code, please add the label "question".

On my computer, it runs smoothly

Can you please try creating a new environment with the current version v1.5.0 and try if it works?

I updated to the new version and it worked, thank you.