gigya / microdot

Microdot: An open source .NET microservices framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot build Microdot Solution

suchym opened this issue · comments

I downloaded source code of Microdot and I tried to compile solution.
I got exception while paket tries to download Gigya.OrleansDashboard.NetStandard 3.0.8.

Here is message:

Downloading Gigya.OrleansDashboard.NetStandard 3.0.8
Source '' exception: System.Exception: Could not retrieve data from ''Gigya.OrleansDashboard.NetStandard'' ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: ''
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Paket.NetUtils.resolveAuth@488-2.Invoke(Exception _arg1)
at Microsoft.FSharp.Control.AsyncBuilderImpl.callA@522.Invoke(AsyncParams1 args) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Paket.NetUtils.getFromUrl@540-2.Invoke(Exception _arg3) at Microsoft.FSharp.Control.AsyncBuilderImpl.callA@522.Invoke(AsyncParams1 args)
Something went wrong while downloading Gigya.OrleansDashboard.NetStandard 3.0.8
Message: Could not download Gigya.OrleansDashboard.NetStandard 3.0.8.

I was able to work with version 3.0.5. My currently downloaded version is 3.1.6.


Reproduced in latest version, looks like is down/innaccessible to public network.
Gigya.ServiceContract can be swapped with a nuget version, but I couldn't find a public mirror of gigya.orleansdashboard.netstandard
Possible Performance degradation, blacklist '1_'gigya.orleansdashboard.netstandard',Version='3.0.8')' Possible Performance degradation, blacklist '1_'Gigya.OrleansDashboard.NetStandard',Version='3.0.8')' Possible Performance degradation, blacklist '2_$filter=(Id eq 'Gigya.OrleansDashboard.NetStandard') and (NormalizedVersion eq '3.0.8')' Possible Performance degradation, blacklist '2_$filter=(tolower(Id) eq 'gigya.orleansdashboard.netstandard') and (NormalizedVersion eq '3.0.8')' Possible Performance degradation, blacklist '2_$filter=(Id eq 'Gigya.OrleansDashboard.NetStandard') and (Version eq '3.0.8')' Possible Performance degradation, blacklist '2_$filter=(tolower(Id) eq 'gigya.orleansdashboard.netstandard') and (Version eq '3.0.8')' Source '' exception: System.Exception: Could not retrieve data from ''Gigya.OrleansDashboard.NetStandard'' ---> System.Ne