gigya / microdot

Microdot: An open source .NET microservices framework

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.NET Core 2.0?

sabernar opened this issue · comments


Is it possible to use microdot with .NET Core 2.0 instead of Framework 4.7?

Currently, no. When Orleans 2.0 hits its final version which supports .NET Core 2.0, we would like to port Microdot to support both. Until then, it requires the full framework.


No, unfortunately we don't.

Apparently Orleans 2.0 was released two days ago. Hopefully there will be a plan to support it soon 😄

@thuannguy We do have such plans, but in two steps. First upgrade to Orleans 1.5.3, this will probably be done in Microdot 1.x. Then make the big breaking changes of upgrading to Orleans 2.0 in Microdot 2.0. The two-step approach will also ensure an easier and smoother upgrade path.

Unfortunately, while we're eager to get to Orleans 2.x, we don't have a timetable for it yet.


Hey guys, I wonder how this endeavour of yours develops ? Are there any estimates available ?

Thank you all.

We ported to Orleans 1.5.3 but weren't pleased with the performance (we saw a 30% decrease in throughput, though it may have been caused by something on our side, not Orleans). If you're interested, you can check out #168

About Orleans 2.0, it's high on our priority list, a very rough estimate is that we'll have it ready in 3-4 months.

Any updates?

Sorry, migrating to Orleans 2.1 is still a few months (~3) away on our roadmap.

Any update on the migration?

Sorry, it still hasn't entered our pipeline. No ETA for now.

Whole world has moved on to Core. This is pretty disappointing.

Sorry for the delay. Please note that we're in the progress of moving to Orleans 2.3.x (see branch 95878.infra.orleans.2_20.5). Since that Orleans version and all other libraries Microdot relies on as far as I know comply to .Net Standard, you might be able to reference them from your .net core project.


Whole world has moved on to Core. This is pretty disappointing.

If you don't want Orleans or NLog you can use my ported version, I used it for my project. I replace nlog with serilog, remove Orleans, replace with AppMetrics. Any other improvements are appreciated.