gibber-cc / gibber

An audiovisual live coding environment for the browser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Scrolling in help/reference page makes the text disappear.

dozel opened this issue · comments

Whenever the whole text fits on the page and there is no need to scroll and you accidentally scroll, the text disappears.

Thanks for the note! This is in Chrome I take it? Some recent updates to chrome have made scrolling pretty funky in Gibber. Let me know what browser / OS you're using.

Also, as a temporary annoying work around, if you slightly resize the help column that appears to keep it from vanishing.

Yes, I used Chrome with Mac OSX 10.9.3.

I will definitely try your suggestion. Thank you for creating this amazing project. It's genius.

Closing some old bugs... pretty sure this is fixed now. Let me know if it's not.