giampaolo / psutil

Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python

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exe() on OSX may incorrectly raise ZombieProcess

giampaolo opened this issue · comments

ERROR: psutil.tests.test_process.TestProcess.test_prog_w_funky_name
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/vagrant/psutil/psutil/tests/", line 762, in test_prog_w_funky_name
  File "/vagrant/psutil/psutil/", line 684, in exe
    exe = self._proc.exe()
  File "/vagrant/psutil/psutil/", line 304, in wrapper
    raise ZombieProcess(, self._name, self._ppid)
ZombieProcess: psutil.ZombieProcess process still exists but it's a zombie (pid=60931, name='$testfnfoo bar )')

On Python 3:

ERROR: psutil.tests.test_unicode.TestFSAPIs.test_proc_exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/vagrant/psutil/psutil/", line 293, in wrapper
    return fun(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/vagrant/psutil/psutil/", line 350, in exe
    return cext.proc_exe(
ProcessLookupError: [Errno 3] No such process

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/vagrant/psutil/psutil/tests/", line 145, in test_proc_exe
    exe = p.exe()
  File "/vagrant/psutil/psutil/", line 685, in exe
    exe = self._proc.exe()
  File "/vagrant/psutil/psutil/", line 304, in wrapper
    raise ZombieProcess(, self._name, self._ppid)
psutil.ZombieProcess: psutil.ZombieProcess process still exists but it's a zombie (pid=62276)

Note: the underlying C call, proc_pidpath, which is authentic crap, incorrectly raises ESRCH. It is so crappy that it does it only sometime. wrap_exceptions() decorator catches ESRCH, sees a PID is still alive so it assumes it's a zombie. As such wrap_exceptions() should be more clever at detecting zombies (do something different than pid_exists(pid)). With that said, I suppose the best we can do is to raise AccessDenied, which sucks but I see no alternatives.

OK, this is very weird. To reproduce:

    def test_prog_w_funky_name(self):
        path = "/vagrant/psutil/xxx"
        self.addCleanup(safe_rmpath, path)
        cmdline = [path, "-c",
                   "import time; [time.sleep(0.01) for x in range(3000)];"
                   "arg1", "arg2", "", "arg3", ""]
        sproc = get_test_subprocess(cmdline)
        p = psutil.Process(
        for x in range(10000):
            print(x, p.exe())
            p._exe = None  # invalidate cache

It will print:

(60, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(61, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(62, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(63, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(64, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(65, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(66, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(67, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(68, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(69, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(70, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(71, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(72, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
(73, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')
xxx: posix_spawn: /vagrant/psutil/xxx2.7: No such file or directory
(74, '/vagrant/psutil/xxx')

The errno after proc_pidpath call is set to 3 (no such process).
It's interesting that those strings (posix_spawn, no such file or directory) are printed on screen (it's not psutil printing them so it must be some C syscall).
It must be noted that the failure has nothing to do with the funky path name.

This is a bigger problem than I thought which requires a consistent refactoring. There are different C functions using poor undocumented OSX APIs such as proc_pidinfo not returning a meaningful error in case of failure and as such we are forced to guess what happened from python by using pid_exists(), or even from C itself via os.kill.

The wrap_exception decorator implements this logic (e.g. to guess zombies) but there are some functions such as cext.proc_kinfo_oneshot which are not "poor" (they gracefully set errno) so don't need such a guessing. status() method is one of these. To push this even further, in case of zombie proc_kinfo_oneshot succeeds (and correctly reports status == ZOMBIE) whereas proc_pidtaskinfo_oneshot fails with ESRCH. So the whole logic needs to be carefully checked and possibly reorganized (not easy). I'm still not sure but what we may wanna do is delegate the whole "guessing" logic to Python, not to C, and from C raise RuntimeError or a custom exception (better). From Python, that'll men we're supposed to guess whether to raise NoSuchProcess, AccessDenied or ZombieProcess.