ghoneycutt / puppet-module-nscd

Puppet module to manage nscd

Repository from Github https://github.comghoneycutt/puppet-module-nscdRepository from Github https://github.comghoneycutt/puppet-module-nscd

Amazon linux support

ipleten opened this issue · comments


It doesn't work on Amazon linux.

Error: Nscd is only supported on EL 5, 6 and 7. Your operatingsystemmajrelease is identified as <2015>. at /etc/puppet/modules/nscd/manifests/init.pp:364 on node xxxx

Facter sees Amazon linux osfamily tag as RedHat but version is in "year.month" format: "2015.09"

operatingsystem => Amazon
operatingsystemmajrelease => 2015
operatingsystemrelease => 2015.09
os => {"name"=>"Amazon", "family"=>"RedHat", "release"=>{"major"=>"2015", "minor"=>"09", "full"=>"2015.09"}}
osfamily => RedHat

Fixed in #44