CentOS requires the package redhat-lsb
gammamatrix opened this issue · comments
The variable $::lsbmajdistrelease in init.pp will be nil if the package redhat-lsb is not installed.
This will result with the failure message:
"nfs module only supports EL 5 and 6 and lsbmajdistrelease was detected as..."
Here is the package to require:
package { 'redhat-lsb':
ensure => present,
The redhat-lsb package is not a part of the minimal install for CentOS 6.
- This probably applies to Scientific Linux as well.
ghoneycutt: any reason to prefer
is a fairly new fact in comparison to this code base. Actually looking to do this with other modules. Since the dawn of Puppet until three months ago, you had to have redhat-lsb to have the lsb* facts, which were used all over the show. Happy to see that we will not need them any longer and am quite happy to merge any PR's to fix this.
@ghoneycutt The PR above should fix the issue and bump the version to 1.8.1 so it's ready to go to the forge.
Thanks everyone. This has been fixed.