Ghassen-Da / semantic_analyse_java_compiler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


About the project

A compiler for the following mini java BNF grammar

Program	::=	MainClass ( ClassDeclaration )* <EOF>

MainClass	::=	"class" Identifier "{" "public" "static" "void" "main" "(" "String" "[" "]" Identifier ")" "{" Statement "}" "}"

ClassDeclaration	::=	"class" Identifier ( "extends" Identifier )? "{" ( VarDeclaration )* ( MethodDeclaration )*  "}"

VarDeclaration	::=	Type Identifier ";"

MethodDeclaration	::=	"public" Type Identifier "(" ( Type Identifier ( "," Type Identifier )* )? ")" "{" ( VarDeclaration )* ( Statement )* "return" Expression ";" "}"

Type	::=	"int" "[" "]"
	|	"boolean"
	|	"int"
	|	Identifier

Statement	::=	"{" ( Statement )* "}"

	|	"if" "(" Expression ")" Statement "else" Statement

	|	"while" "(" Expression ")" Statement

	|	"System.out.println" "(" Expression ")" ";"

	|	Identifier "=" Expression ";"

	|	Identifier "[" Expression "]" "=" Expression ";"

Expression	::=	Expression ( "&&" | "<" | "+" | "-" | "*" ) Expression

	|	Expression "[" Expression "]"

	|	Expression "." "length"

	|	Expression "." Identifier "(" ( Expression ( "," Expression )* )? ")"


	|	Identifier

	|	"this"
	|	"new" "int" "[" Expression "]"

	|	"new" Identifier "(" ")"

	|	"!" Expression

	|	"(" Expression ")"

Identifier	::=	<IDENTIFIER>


  • identifier follows the regex expression ? /([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)/ ?
  • <INTEGER_LITERAL> follows the regex expression ? /(-?[1-9][0-9]*)/ ?
  • <BOOLEAN_LITERAL> follows the regex expression = ? /(true|false)/ ?


  • Flex
  • Bison
  • C language

Project files

  • LexicalAnalyzer.lex handles the text parsing and tokens generation.
  • SyntaxAnalyzer.y handles syntax errors and invokes C functions that handles the semantic logic.
  • symtab.h contains semantic C functions declaration.
  • symtab.c contains semantic C functions implementation.

Get started

Generating app.exe

Generate the app.exe by running the following python command in cmd


How to use the generated app.exe

Use the .txt files as code input.

app.exe < test.txt



Language:C 67.8%Language:C++ 18.2%Language:Yacc 9.5%Language:Lex 3.0%Language:Python 1.4%