geut / chan

A Changelog CLI based on

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Colon gets inserted in to URLs just before the username

JacobDB opened this issue · comments

Not sure what's happening here, but when I run a command like chan release 1.0.0, the URLs that get output are like so:

As you can see, there's a : just before my username, and thus when you try to visit the URL, you get a message "Not found."

The package.json for the project I was testing on is available here.

Hi @JacobDB ! how are you? Can you check if the next version fix your issue?

@tinchoz49 just had a chance to test it – it does fix the colon problem, except it doesn't seem to generate any URLs unless I manually specify --git-template. Not sure if that's intentional or not.

Hey @JacobDB! thanks for taking the time to check this.

A few questions:

  • Are you running chan inside a git a repo?
  • Are you getting some output log from chan?

By default, if you run chan inside a git repo with a remote url defined, chan is going to try to generate the compare url.

Hi @JacobDB ! we released the new version, can you check if this issue was fixed in your case?

Sorry for the delay, I finally got around to testing this. I keep receiving the following error whenever I run chan release 0.1.0 (with any version numbrer):

[chan] [release] › ✖  error     TypeError: Cannot destructure property `template` of 'undefined' or 'null'.

It happens on both old and new projects; I tried deleting my and running chan init just to be sure, and I keep getting this error. chan --version returns 2.0.0 so I think I'm on the latest release.

After a little further testing, this only seems to be occurring on my projects which have origin set to my self-hosted GitLab server. Seems like some sort of incompatibility with that?

Actually, I'll open a second issue for this new problem. It seems that this issue is indeed fixed.