getzola / zola

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won't generate atom.xml or rss.xml feeds

brianmay opened this issue · comments

Bug Report


Zola version: 0.18.0

Expected Behavior

Latest config:

generate_feeds = true
feed_filenames = ["atom.xml", "rss.xml", "woof.xml"]
taxonomies = [
    { name = "tags", generate_feeds = true },

After running "zola build" I can't see any *.xml files except for sitemap.xml.

I added the woof.xml expecting to see an error because I don't have the template file. I didn't get any error. If I remove it I nothing changes.

I believe all post entries have dates. But I added some by hand just to be sure.

Current Behavior

I expected to see an automatically generated rss/atom file in the public directory after running zola build.

Suspect there is some requirement missing from the documentation. Or maybe I missed something.

Step to reproduce

(note the config is slightly different)

Somewhere I got confused, and thought I had the latest stable version. But I didn't. The latest version is 0.19.2, which appears to work better.


In case anyone is copying from my bug report:

taxonomies = [
    { name = "tags", generate_feeds = true },

That is wrong, should be:

taxonomies = [
    { name = "tags", feed = true },