getumbrel / umbrel-core-lightning

The official Core Lightning app for Umbrel

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umbrel 0.5.1 umbrel-core-lightning 0.11.1-build-4 won't install

al1ta opened this issue · comments


umbrel 0.5.1 on arm ubuntu 20.04 docker 20.10.18

installling umbrel-core-lightning stucks it seems for:

Pulling images for app core-lightning...
Version mismatch: file /data/umbrel/scripts/support/docker-compose.app_proxy.yml specifies version 3.7 but extension file /data/umbrel/app-data/core-lightning/docker-compose.yml uses version 3.8

@al1ta Thanks for reporting the issue! I've just pushed an update so that core-lightning uses the 3.7 manifest version: getumbrel/umbrel-apps@940a176

You can run ~/umbrel/scripts/repo update to quickly pull in this change and then installation should work.

Out of interest, could you post here what this returns? docker-compose version