gettek / terraform-azurerm-policy-as-code

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Role Definition Ids are not visible in assignments

Nikhleshk opened this issue · comments


We are are trying to assign role definition during assignment but we are not able to achieve required result.
We tried in both ways
#role_definition_ids = module.PrivateLinkAzureAutomationArecordtoprivateDNSZone.role_definition_ids
role_definition_ids = [,

By trying both the ways we are able to see role definition in
This identity will also be given the following permissions:

refer attach image

Hi @Nikhleshk,

Could you please share the assignment code please?


module "org_mg_PrivateLinkAzureAutomationArecordtoprivateDNSZone" {
source = "..//modules/def_assignment"
definition = module.PrivateLinkAzureAutomationArecordtoprivateDNSZone.definition
assignment_scope =
assignment_effect = "DeployIfNotExists"
skip_remediation = var.skip_remediation
skip_role_assignment = false
#role_definition_ids = module.PrivateLinkAzureAutomationArecordtoprivateDNSZone.role_definition_ids
role_definition_ids = [,
assignment_parameters = {
privateDnsZoneId = "/subscriptions/74bd4da4-5bd3-449a-9e17-49d12a2b2a00/resourceGroups/privatednszones-prod-rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/"

def_assignment will automatically assign roles located in the definition without needing to populate role_definition_ids so you can remove it.

I have also included this ability in the next version 2.6.0 for set_assignment

I have used it without role definition too but still same result.
and for testing i am testing with policy not initiative