getsentry / sentry-auth-google

Google Apps SSO provider for Sentry

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot import name MigratingIdentityID

BenCoffeed opened this issue · comments

While trying to run the initial upgrade command to initialize my on-premise cluster, I get the following error when Google Auth is enabled(full log available on request):

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: ImportError sentry_auth_google: cannot import name MigratingIdentityId

It looks like this may relate to #20

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone Sentry On-Premise repo
  2. cd onpremise && echo >> requirements.txt
  3. Follow setup instructions referenced in README.txt to generate Google Auth Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Modify onpremise/ to include the following lines replacing items in <> with the values generated in step 3:
SENTRY_FEATURES['organizations:sso'] = True
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET = <yourGoogleSecret>
  1. Follow On-premise Docker installation instructions.

NOTE: I see this particular error message while running migrations


  • getsentry/onnpremise branch: master
  • Sentry version: 8.22
  • Docker version: 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4
  • Docker Host OS: Ubuntu 16.04

You should pin your version of sentry-auth-google to a previous SHA, or you will also need to run sentry master to be compatible.

Figured as much. Thanks for the prompt reply @dcramer . Sorry for any noise. Hopefully it will help other unassuming on-prem. folks.

Yeah, unfortuantely, we started actively developing this again and we haven't tagged released. I'm trying to figure out what we'll want to do moving forward. Either version identically to how we do sentry-plugins and always release them together, so like, sentry==8.22.0 would also work with sentry-auth-google==8.22.0, etc. Or we roll sentry-auth-* into sentry-plugins since I don't see a ton of value in keeping them separate.

But as of right now, I don't have a better answer except pinning to a version that works.