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Function parameters are "let" scoped, not "var"?

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Edition: (2nd)

Book Title: get started

Chapter: 2


Forgive me if I'm wrong (because I don't know JS yet!) but it seems that myname, the function parameter, behaves as let declared, not var declared.

Not sure if the same applies to the hello function though, as I've only really seen them defined at the most outer scope of a JS file.

Or did I miss something in the explanation (I've gone through it twice!)

The difference between var and let is, var is function scoped. i.e. var can only be used inside a function. on the other hand let is used as block -scope. i.e. it can be accessed inside a block
Also, it is important to note that let cannot be redeclared in a program which is a good thing. Prevents confusion. whereas var can be redefined.
So, you can use var or let any of these. but make sure whether you have to redefine the variables or not.

you can use refer here -

The book text is correct, this is not a mistake.