getify / You-Dont-Know-JS

A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.

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Is the content in the first edition still relavent?

TheNamesGregoryAndounuts opened this issue · comments

Edition: 1st

Book Title: Up & Going

Chapter: N/A

Section Title: N/A

Question: So I was referred to this book through stack overflow and I noticed that the publication date is 2014-2015 and that has me a little concerned about weather or not I should follow the free first edition or buy the second edition. This is a problem I've encountered with reading and following textbooks in the past because I don't know how much of the contained information is outdated so can I ask; How much of the first edition is outdated information and is it still worth reading ignoring the fact that it is free and 2nd isn't?

the first two second edition books supersede the same books in the first edition... so prefer those. for the rest of the first edition books, probably 80-90% of it is on JS that hasn't changed really. These books haven't covered some of the latest changes to the language, but there's plenty of other books that focus on that stuff.

@getify Thankyou for the clarification. would you recommend the following path for the beginners starting today?

You Don't Know JS Yet: Get Started - 2nd Edition
You Don't Know JS Yet: Scope & Closures - 2nd Edition

You Don't Know JS: Objects & Classes - 1st Edition
Types & Grammar - 1st Edition
Sync & Async - 1st Edition
ES.Next & Beyond - 1st Edition