gethugothemes / academia-hugo

Academia is a Hugo resume theme. You can showcase your academic resume, publications and talks using this theme.

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page-links-div partial does not build DOI links if no other links present

pintodossantos opened this issue · comments

In page-links-div.html in line:

DOI is not specified, so if DOI is only link, button is not built. Could be fixed easily by changing this line to:

{{ if $cite_link | or $pdf_link | or .Params.external_link | or .Params.url_preprint | or .Params.url_pdf | or .Params.url_slides | or .Params.url_video | or .Params.url_source | or .Params.url_code | or .Params.url_dataset | or .Params.doi | or .Params.url_poster | or .Params.url_project | or .Params.links | or .Params.projects | or .Params.slides }}

Hello @pintodossantos ,

Thanks for your concern. It will be great if you make a pull request with this fix, or we will fix it on our next update.

Thanks for your reply @somratpro! Pull request created. :)

I have merged your PR, thanks for being with Themefisher.