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[add-resource] New Plugin -- Server-side syntax highlighing with highlight.php

iainsgillis opened this issue · comments

Hi, Folks --

I would like to add my new plugin, which adds server-side syntax highlighting courtesy of the highlight.php library and the ShortCode Core plugin, to the Grav Repository.

The project lives here: iainsgillis/grav-plugin-highlight-php

FWIW, I wrote a series of blog posts about conceiving, designing, and releasing this plugin on my own site, starting with

@iainsgillis, I've taken the liberty to create a review of your plugin.


  • HiglightPhpShortcode.php
    • Use shortcode with parameters
      class Rectangle {
        constructor(height, width) {
          this.height = height;
          this.width = width;
      [phphighlight=js code="console.log('hello')"]
    For three reasons:
    • Only load shortcode for requested language(s), instead of 349. It saves a bit of performance.
    • No pollution of the shortcodes namespace with 349 extra names.
    • No need to search for 349 languages in Markdown while they are not used anyway.
  • Use a fixed location for custom styles. I don't see a real added value for a customisable location.
    My suggestion would be to use folder: /user/data/hightlight-php/. I prefer the user/data/ folder to not pollute the user folder. Drop the folder property from the config.
  • Use two config properties for styles: style for build-in styles and customStyle for a custom style. Add a None value to both.
    • User can now
      • Select a build-in style or None
      • Select a custom style or None
      • Select both build-in and custom style to override the build-in style.
    • Load each style (if value !== 'None') as separate asset with customStyle as last.
  • Add a property in a page to enable/disable the plugin.
    I presume a page using snippets will be the exceptions instead of the rule. Test for it during onPageInitialized.

@iainsgillis, Forgot to mention that the following condition will never be true, because the plugin will not be called when not enabled. It can be removed.

hightlight-php.php: line 58-60

if (!$this->config->get('plugins.highlight-php.enabled')) {

@pamtbaau Many thanks for the review and the suggestions! Really appreciate your time.

Sorry missed this one, added.