getgrav / grav-plugin-taxonomylist

Grav TaxonomyList Plugin

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Use taxonomy-list with Gantry framework?

oscon opened this issue · comments


Is there a way to use the plugin with the Gantry framework?
Using the Custom HTML particle and activate "Process Twig" does not work...


Found a solution:
Hibbitts Design has already realized a GANTRY particle

Hello, in my case works perfectly, I just add a Custom HTML particle with the Process Twig enabled and the following code:

{% if config.plugins.taxonomylist.enabled %}
<h3 class="g-title">Popular Tags</h3>
{% include 'partials/taxonomylist.html.twig' with {base_url: list_url, taxonomy: 'tag'} %}
{% endif %}

Keep in mind that the file uses different variable for the base url. The example uses base_url: my_url but the code actually uses base_url: list_url. Check